Interview with @Lxrxib

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Dedicated to

1) What, in your opinion, are the most important elements of good writing?

"I believe that a good story should have rich details, deep insight on the characters, world-building is extremely important and a great plot. Being able to incorporate details into a completely well-driven plot is a skill. You could have an amazing storyline but if there is no details, I don't think it would be that good."

2) What would you say is your most interesting writing quirk?

"I'm not a person who likes to compliment myself but if I had to choose, I guess I have a knack for making characters likeable even if they aren't supposed to. For example, my book Malum: one of the main characters isn't supposed to be likeable but many people really like him."

3) Is there lots to do before you drive in and start writing the story?

"I have this notebook that I write ideas in so before I start I have to go through it, circling what I want to include in the chapter. Once that's done, then I'll just write and see where my imagination takes me. If I like the chapter then I publish it, if I don't then I'll leave it and check it again the next day with some fresh ideas."

4) Which of your books were the most enjoyable to write? Why?

"I've written couple of books in the past but I chose to publish Malum because I really enjoyed it. I guess because I really tried with this book haha. I started off writing this book for my friends but then I really liked the direction it was going in so I decided why not publish it and here I am."

5) What are you reading now? What are your opinions on it?

"I'm currently reading Six of Crows by Leigh Bardogo and I'm really enjoying it! I tried reading it before but I could never get past the second chapter, I guess I was in a reading slump . It's really good and she's one of my favourite authors so I'm definitely enjoying this book."

6) What famous author do you wish would be your mentor?

"I have a lot of favourite authors like Cassandra Clare, Rick Riordan etc but I really like the way Sarah J Maas writes. She is able to create a whole world within a few chapters and she gives each character their own unique and specific tone and every time that character comes into play they bring their own aura with them which I really want her to teach me how to do it!"

7) What was your dream job when you were younger?

"My dream job as a kid was to be an astronaut! As a kid I loved reading and learning about space so I always wanted to go out there and live amongst the stars. I found old diaries of me drawing myself in space suits going into space. I was told that "girls shouldn't have jobs and that they need to stay home and take care of their kids" but I ignored all those comments and explored more into space and space travel!"

8) Share something your readers wouldn't know about you.

"Something my readers won't know...oh so as a kid in kindergarten, my teachers would constantly say that I would enjoy staying on my own and reading rather than playing with the other kids. My parents tried to make me socialise more and I did! I guess I left reading for a year or two because of socialising and wanting to play with kids. Suddenly the whole wimpy kid and dork diaries craze came and I went back to reading."

9) What books or authors have most influenced your own writing?

"Definitely the Percy Jackson series because of how light hearted Rick has created the book and how loveable the characters are. Also the Court of Thrones and Roses series by Sarah J Maas taught me how to make a love triangle in which one character is hated (who the girl is with) and the other loved (who isn't with her) which I have incorporated in my book."

10) What was your favourite book when you were a kid?

"Ooooh this is hard. I really enjoyed the wimpy kid series and the dork diaries but they weren't my FAVOURITE! I guess my favourite books would have to be Harry Potter. It stirred my imagination and made me believe magic is real and I could exist. I still believe that magic is real for as long as you keep reading and imagining."

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