Chapter 9

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Nazera's POV

We had divided the world into certain sections and had began searching for the army. The others were given a smaller area whereas I was stretched across the world because of my capabilities of transport. I wasn't too upset by it, it allowed me to have some alone time to think and to be away from the team. I was trying not to get too worked up about them going behind my back, but the thought of them knowing made me sick. They would try to help, they'd give me hope of escape and that wasn't possible. And then they'd failed and the consequences for them varied from nothing to things I couldn't even imagine. 

So far I was not having much luck and the popping in between all the locations was making me sick so I stopped glancing around finding myself surrounded by towering trees and the calls of many hidden animals. I strained my neck looking up the trees trapping in the moisture and the heat, I groaned at the heavy feeling in the air, wiping my forehead, I was already beginning to sweat. Quickly performing a spell, the heaviness of the air disappeared, around me at least, and I began walking around somewhat wary. Not being able to see where the animals were made me anxious, I smiled at a rather large pink plant, I wasn't sure if it was leaves to a small tree or some over sized flower. Pushing past it, my eyes widened as I noticed several dead trees not too far away. I jogged over to them and found a rather massive area of dead plants and animals. I gagged, quickly covering my nose as the smell of rot hit me. I pulled a handkerchief out of my pocket and quickly placed it over my nose and mouth, it smelt much better. I slowly began walking the perimeter of the dead area. I didn't think that they'd hide in a forest, or really this was a jungle. I  carefully stepped over a dead brightly colored bird, bugs were already feasting away on it, I shuddered. 

Walking to the middle of the circle, I was rather concerned. This was much larger than I had thought. They'd gotten someone else to help them. How had they done that so quickly? The size of this army had to be beyond anything I had heard of, I bit my lip my breathing beginning to quicken. This would have been a struggle for me to do, everyone else that I had thought was a threat no longer wasn't, it was surely him. 

Robin's POV

I yawned as I walked in, it was late and had found nothing, so when I heard that the others had found something I was relieved. Wally and M'gann had found something with everyone returned except Nazera. 

"Has Nazera come back?" I questioned looking around, Connor looked over his shoulder at me and Kaldur shook his head. 

"No, but there seems to have been little success, the places that M'gann and Wally found have no connection." Kaldur motioned to Nazera's incredible map. 

"I found a place in a shipping warehouse in China," Wally explained speeding around the map and pointing to a spot. "And M'gann," He raced back over to Russia, "found a spot just outside a tiny village in Russia." M'gann nodded in confirmation. 

"Nazera has probably found more," M'gann confidently added, Artemis nodding in agreement. 

Nazera returned an hour later rather distressed. We had all been sitting around mostly discussing what had been happening recently, we jumped up as soon as she appeared.  

"We have a bigger problem than I thought," She explained, rushing to the map and bent over the map rapidly pinning marks and it became clear that there was a path, of sorts. "The army is much bigger than I thought, and they're getting bigger." She explained. 

"How are they getting bigger?" I asked stepping forward she glanced up at me, letting out a breath she brushed off her hands and then stood completely. 

"Can you let the Justice League know that we got some more information?" She asked without answering my question, Wally nodded and sped off returning. 

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