Chapter 10

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Nazera's POV

I chewed on my lip, deep in thought as I walked away from the meeting. They had quickly bought up the lie or lies. What I had said was partly true, I let out a breath, running a hand through my hair. I wasn't sure what was the best course of action. This man, Mordred, as I had just named him, was no longer going around the bush, he was well aware of what I was trying to do, the glove little thing that he had made using the locations was a clear sign of that, I had to admit it was a pretty clever way to get the message to me. 

"Nazera," I turned as Batman called to me, he had a blank expression on his face as usual but walked faster than normal. I rolled my eyes, folding my arms and met him in the middle. 

"Yes?" I questioned, raising my eyebrows. He narrowed his eyes at me, glancing around he motioned for me to follow him. 

We ended up in my room, I went and sat on the bed, crossing my legs up on my bed and holding my ankles. 

"Why don't I feel like you're telling the truth?" I frowned, glaring at him. 

"I don't understand why you can never just trust me about this stuff." I said in a huff, really, I was just trying to gas light him, most likely I would have little success. He narrowed his eyes at me, folding his arms tightly, pursing his lips. 

"Is all this necessary? I can understand not telling everyone, but this is bigger than you." I groaned flopping back on my bed. After a while I sat back up, growling. 

"Fine!" I exclaimed throwing my hands up in the air. "I'll tell as much as I can, as much as is necessary, fair?" I snapped; he gave a nod. I swallowed, feeling suddenly nervous. He knew a little bit about my fate, but not the whole story, I ran my hands through my hair looking at him wide eyed. 

"So?" He questioned, letting his arms fall. I let out a sigh, closing my eyes for a moment. 

"So, you know about the prophesy, right?" He nodded, walking over to my desk dragging a chair about a foot in front of my bed. "Well, this guy, Mordred, that's not even his name, he's actually the god of death in my world, so we just call him Death, but he does actually have a name, but that is beside the point." I waved my hand dismissively. 

"He's the one that is trying to take you away." Batman added, I hung my head and nodded. 

"In short, yes. This is him. He is the reason why mother died, why I had to leave home, why," I paused swallowing a lump in my throat. "Why Anthony died." I glanced up at Batman, his expression unreadable. "He approached me at after Anthony's funeral." A rare sight of anger flashed across my father's face. 

"What?" He growled. "Why didn't you tell me?" 

"He didn't do anything." I replied defensively. "But he threatened you." My voice softened and I looked down at the floor. It was quiet for a while. I covered my face, letting out a groan. "I don't know what to do." I whined. Father put a hand on my shoulder, and I looked up at him. 

"Well, his goal is you, correct?" I nodded, my hands covering my mouth. "So, we know to keep you away from him." I scoffed, rolling my eyes. 

"Easier said than done," I muttered, my voice slightly muffled. Batman looked up, staying quiet for a while, so long that I turned to see what he could be looking at but there was nothing interesting on the wall behind me. 

"How powerful is this, Death?" He suddenly asked, I looked back up at Father, raising an eyebrow. 

"Well, he's Death so pretty powerful." I stated, letting my hands fall to my lap. "And don't call him that, call him Mordred so that the team doesn't wonder why we call him one thing, but they know him as another." Batman looked down at me and nodded in agreement. 

"Does he have the same capabilities as you?" I nodded, frowning somewhat confused as to why he was asking these things. 

"Well, yeah, we're pretty evenly matched," I answered shrugging one shoulder. "I mean, he has a couple thousand years on me, so there's that." 

"If he is so capable, why hasn't he just taken you?" 

"Well, I mean, that..." I drifted off as I realized I didn't have an answer and the question was valid. He could easily take me away, in a heartbeat really. He could have done it when I was child, it would have been the easiest time to do it. Why was he taking the hard route? 

"I don't know why." I eventually answered, rather confused myself. 

"Is there some," Batman paused as he thought of a word. "Requirement that he has to fulfill?" I shrugged, as he stepped back. 

"As far as I know, no. I mean," I chewed on my lip, thinking over what I knew. "I mean, like I said, I don't know." Batman looked back up to the wall. 

"Maybe we should figure that out." 

"By we, you mean mostly me." I pointed to myself; eyebrows raised. 

"And the team." Batman quickly added. "I think you should tell them." I frowned deeply, shaking my head to the point it made me sick. 

"No, completely unnecessary." I snapped; Batman folded his arms raising his eyebrows. 

"No, I think it is time. This involves all of us now. I understand if you don't want to give it all but give some of it. What you told me should be plenty." 

"Yeah, but you have background knowledge." I gestured to him; he shook his head. 

"You can tell them exactly what you told me, and they would have plenty of context." I thought about it for a moment, looking at the ground. "Nazera," My father said sternly, I looked back up at him, wide eyed. His expression had softened slightly. "I think the more aware people are the more they'll understand and the more they'll be able to protect themselves. You know the enemy better than anyone else here, it's not fair to have them walking in blind." I let out a long breath, rubbing my face, just thinking about telling the team made my heart pound. I didn't know how they would react, they could very easily decide that they wanted nothing to do with it, I wouldn't blame them, because I wanted nothing to do with it. I let out another breath, in hopes to get my heart to slow, it didn't help. I looked back up at my father with a straight face. 

"All right, I'll tell them." 

A/N Been a long time since an update, hope that you enjoy! Thanks for reading and as always, like and comment! Thanks again!

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