Chapter 6

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Too soon were we packing up to leave. The trip home was very productive and I hoped that the team had had a pleasant time, or at least somewhat pleasant. I wished that we could have stayed longer, but my grandmother had crushed that wish from all the things that she made do yesterday and I was somewhat happy to go back to my father. 

"Now this time try not to stay away so long," My grandmother advised me, "Then you won't have to do so much and you can enjoy your time instead of working the whole time. Also, remember to eat well and drink well, sleep well," She kept listing things off her fingers, I smiled she was often overly concerned. 

"Yes, Grandmother." I nodded letting out a breath. 

"Very good, also when you come back bring your father with you so that we can discuss suitors I will begin working on the prospect." 

"I believe suitors may not be the best thing right now, considering what is going on." Grandfather said, I was very grateful for his level-headiness. 

"Still, we can prepare." Grandmother gave a stiff snobbish nod. 

"All right, we will see, I best be leaving." I gave them both a quick hug, Grandmother had already began dabbing her eyes. 

"Oh, I don't see why you have to be so far away from us," She said tearfully, Grandfather wrapped his arm around her. 

"She'll be back, and she can visit practically whenever she likes." 

"True, however, I don't get to see her everyday." Grandfather chuckled as her voice cracked, giving her a squeeze. 

"You better leave, Nazera before your grandmother starts sobbing." 

"I don't sob." Grandmother snapped, we both chuckled and I turned to the team, walking over to them. 

"All right, let's go." And with that we were vanished. 

When we came back, I was unbothered by the sudden transporting, the others not so much, Superboy nearly fell over. 

"I'll be in my room if you need me," I told them, vanishing again appearing in my room. 

Robin's P.O.V

I held my stomach groaning lightly. The nausea was not a good combination with wooziness and I was pretty sure I had a little bit of vertigo. 

"I'll go let Red Tornado that we are back." I said slowly, taking a wobbly step forward, with each step the feelings went away. 

After a quick check in with Red Tornado, who said that he would contact the others, we all went to relax for a moment, going to various places. I fidgeted with my gadgets taking them apart and then putting them back to together as I thought about what we had learned at the library in Nazera's palace. We didn't get too much, but we got some things from the scholars. They were very vague, but apparently Nazera was cursed, or fated, or she had to follow a destiny, they kept arguing about which it was. I think it basically boiled down that she was cursed to do something, or be with someone. They weren't too detailed about it, and they didn't give us any books but we did stumble across something that sounded like Nazera, a goddess of sorts, born of two worlds. Nazera was born of two worlds, but a goddess, I wasn't so sure about that. She was pretty enough to be one, but that would make her immortal and as far as we knew she was mortal. Along with that there was some vague thing about her curse that scholars told us about, something about the darkness. Wally suggested that she gets possessed by the darkness and that was why she was so... morbid, for a lack of a better word. It was a thought, but we were all doubtful. It made me want to ask Batman many, many questions since he seemed to know Nazera the best, but I wanted to know who her dad was even more. It was possible I knew him, maybe he was a friend of Batman. I began thinking of who it could possibly be but none of them had much of a resemblance to Nazera. It was possible it was someone I hadn't met, he had all sorts of weird friends or acquaintances. I let out a breath and put together the last thing that I had taken apart. 

We had a quick dinner of sorts, Artemis whipped up some mac and cheese, it was fine but nothing like Nazera's food. 

"I'm tired," Wally yawned. 

"Me too," M'gann commented. "The trip has messed up my body's sleeping schedule." 

"You may want to hold off on sleep." Artemis said, waving her fork around for a moment. "The League might want to know what Nazera found out about the flowers." 

"Oh yeah," Wally rubbed the back of his neck, "I forgot that's why we even went in the first place." 

"I don't know if they'll want to meet today." I stated, the team looked at me. 

"Why do you say that?" Connor asked tilting his head slightly in confusion. 

"Red Tornado said that they were busy for most of today, he said something about the Light." 

"Are they active already?" M'gann's eyes were wide. "Do you think they are still working with whoever they were working with?" 

"Possibly." I shrugged. "But last time was such a failure because of Nazera." 

"I'm not so sure if it was a failure," Kaldur thoughtfully suggest, "More of a setback, overall it could have gone a lot worse. We may have shut down a lot of things, but we didn't end it, clearly because of the flowers." 

"That's a good point." M'gann mumbled, looking at the floor. We went quiet. 

"So, about Nazera's curse..." Wally piped up after a little while. 

"My what?" Nazera snapped, we all kind of tensed. "Is that why you were so interested in the library?" She asked clearly angry at us. I looked back as her footsteps sounded softly on the tile. 

"You refused to tell us so we took matters into our hands." Connor stubbornly said. Nazera narrowed her eyes at him. 

"You have no right to dig into very personal things. Some things are on a need to know basis, and that is one of them, it is not important to you right now. Now, forget about it." She lectured, walking over to the fridge she opened it, clicking her tongue as she looked around inside. 

"Nazera, surely you can understand we are concerned for you?" M'gann tenderly explained after a few minutes. Nazera whipped around the fridge slowly closing behind her. We all watched until it latched. 

"So much for dramatic affect," She muttered under her breath letting out a breath she slowly closed her eyes before suddenly opening them. "Listen," She paused for a moment, "it's just something that I'm not comfortable with sharing all right?" 

"But it's-" I started. 

"I am asking, nicely." Nazera interrupted softly. "My curse is the reason my life is so messed up, it's the reason Anthony died, it's the reason I can't live a normal princess, or a normal life. It pulls away my happiness and does the same to anyone who gets involved, so please," Nazera asked desperately, "just forget it." It was quiet for a moment, she looked at the floor for a moment before letting out a breath waving her hand a cupboard opened and out floated a box of pop tarts. She took them from the air, opening the box as she walked out of the kitchen, the wrapper crinkling loudly. 

"Well," Wally loudly placed his hands on his knees leaning forward. "What do we do about that?" 

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