Chapter 8

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My mind was elsewhere as Batman gave information about The Light. Obviously he was involved like that major jerk he was. The question was how did I face it. I couldn't confront him, that would never work out. But then again, he was more of a give and take kind of guy. Then there was the issue of being sure that the others didn't find iut, especially Batman. He had vague understandings if my fate and all that wonderfulness, but not enough to lock me away from the world, thankfully. That may be changing soon depending on if I go about this properly.
Letting out a puff of air, I scowled to myself tapping my fingers on my cheek.
"Does everyone understand?" Green Arrow suddenly asked, I nodded with the others although I hadn't the slightest idea, currently the Light was not our biggest issue, but I'd keep that bit of important information to myself.
Robin's POV
"Nazera." I called in slight confusion as she walked away, she turned to face me. "Weren't you listening?" I gestured back to the dispersing Justice League. She shook her head blather bluntly. I let out a breath folding my arms.
"We're supposed to be making an official plan on finding the Light or army or whatever it is you were talking about."
"Oh." She replied a bit distantly. "I suppose I could do that. Tell the others to chop chop I have other things to do." Nazera turned back around continuing her way down the hall. I frowned tilting my head slightly. What else could she have to do? She didn't seem interested in this, something else must be on her mind. Nazera having a secret agenda was mildly unsettling. A shiver passed over me I shook it off shaking my head turning back to get the rest of the team.

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