Would you ever have that with Levi? Or would he just call you a burden? You sigh again, glancing up at the waitress as she trudges over to you, her left hand holding a full tray of empty glasses. "You want what you had before, hon?" She asks, collecting the leftover glasses with her free hand.

You shake your head, deciding you were going to drink until you could push Levi out of your brain. "No- could I get a Black Russian and a Long Island iced tea this time?" You ask, watching as the waitress looks at you quizzically. "Both of 'em?"

You nod your head, watching as she let out a dull chuckle. "We've all been there. Sometimes ya just wanna feel like a dead man walking. I'll get those for ya." She said, before collecting everyone else's orders and going on her way.

Reiner let out a low whistle, looking at you with a smile. "Damn, I got a whole new level of respect for you, (y/n)! It's good to know I have another drinker on the team!" He said, chuckling as he held his hand up for a high-five. You grinned, happily high-fiving him despite Bertholdt's worried look. "Didn't you drive yourself here?" He asked, exchanging looks with Eren who was now looking at you, too. "Nah, don't worry about me." You say, waving your hand nonchalantly in an attempt to dissipate their worries. "I was told not to drive my car home anyway, so someone's coming to get me." You say, trying to not sound bitter about it.

Everyone managed to pick up on your irritation, though, and Reiner gave you a consoling pat on the shoulder. "Don't let that short dude get under your skin, (y/n). He's not worth your time." Reiner said, suddenly sounding serious.

Reiner dad mode: ON

"Besides, think of it this way; if he's paying for the gas, then what's the big deal? That's money out of his pocket, not yours." Reiner said, giving your shoulders a few more pats and Jean nodded along. "That's right! And while he pays for all of your living expenses, you can save up the money you get from the shop in case anything happens." Jean added, sharing a look with you as Mikasa nodded in agreement.

"I mean, yeah, but isn't that like living under someone's rule?" Eren piped up, his eyebrows furrowed as he leaned forward in his seat. "I know I sure as hell wouldn't want someone calling the shots for me. Can't you imagine how that feels?" He cried, looking just as agitated as you felt. Bertholdt nodded, resting his arms on the table as he gave you a sympathetic look. "That's right. It's easy to give advice when you don't fully understand the situation." He said solemnly, exchanging looks with Reiner.

Before the mood could sour completely, the waitress returned, placing drinks in front of everyone in a quick manner before hurrying off to assist another table. Clearing your throat, you reach for the smaller glass of Black Russian, giving everyone a smile. "Don't worry about me, guys. Really, just being able to sit here and have fun like this helps me a lot." You say, before taking a swig of your drink, the smooth taste of coffee liqueur passing over your tongue. "Ah, she's right! Let's get this show on the road!" Reiner yelled, lifting his new beer towards he ceiling with newfound energy. Jean raised his drink too, chuckling as Mikasa rolled her eyes. The festivities carried on, with Reiner hugging on Bertholdt as he cried for personal space.

Polishing off your drink in no time, you place the empty glass on the table and grin, the alcohol finally making you feel buzzed. "So what about you, Bertholdt? You got anyone you're seeing?" You ask, picking up the tall glass of Long Island iced tea and grinning at his nervous reaction. "W-well.. I'm not really..." He stammered, his cheeks turning bright red as Reiner guffawed at his reaction. "Oh, he has someone he's set his eyes on." Reiner proclaimed, giving Bertholdt a slap on the back, making him spill beer in his lap. "But she hasn't noticed poor Bertie boy's advances, poor thing." Reiner continued, making the taller male nervously stammer and sweat. "N-no! I haven't said anything to her yet!" He cried, looking terribly embarrassed. You laugh nervously, feeling a little guilty for asking him. Had you known it was such a touchy subject, you'd have asked someone else. Turning to Eren, raise an eyebrow and sip on your drink through a colorful blue straw. "What about you? Anyone special?"

He looked at you with mischief on his face, causing Jean to groan and elbow Mikasa. "Yeah, I have someone I'm interested in." He said, his eyes glimmering as he looked at you. His eyes seemed to be conveying to you a secret message, but you were too nervous to try to read into it. You could feel your ears turning red as you averted your gaze, deciding to look at Mikasa instead as you continued to sip on your drink. Mikasa winked at you before turning her attention to Eren, and proceeding to swat at him with a napkin. "Keep your eyes off married women, you home wrecker." She said, laughing as he gave her an offended look. "Hey now, I haven't chased a married woman before!" He protested, his face turning red as everyone laughed at his reaction. You laughed along, feeling truly carefree in the moment as everyone teased Eren. You finished your drink and set it down, watching as Jean caught Eren in a headlock, being cheered on by Reiner who nearly knocked Bertholdt over.

These people were a little on the loud side, and they seemed to be a little crazy at times, but they made you laugh. They had the ability to make you forget your troubles, and just live in the moment. Your heart felt so warm as you watched them, a genuine smile on your face.

Slapping your hand against the table, you threw a hand up in the air and grinned. "Another round here, please!!" You cried, earning whoops from your friends around you.

Tonight, you were going to forget that short asshole, and enjoy your friend's company.

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