19- Mine Mine Mine

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Previously: Can: I'm so deep inside her and all it takes is her losing it again for me to release loudly inside of her. I pull out and kiss her bottom and make my way up her spine as I flip her to her side and lay next to her. Her eyes are closed and she has a faint smile on her face. I kiss her sensually and pull away from her willing her to open her eyes.

Gorgeous brown eyes slowly open and look at me. Sanem puts her hand on my face and strokes my beard, "I missed you too." 

I wake up feeling warm, feeling loved, feeling cherished. My dream was so vivid and so real. I hate when that happens, especially when all I want is for Can to truly be here with me. As I start to flutter my eyes open, I realize why I feel so warm, so loved, and so cherished. It wasn't a dream! He's really here. Sleeping soundly cuddled against my body. A huge smile emerges on my face as I can barely register that last night was in fact real, and Can being here means he missed me as much as I missed him.

Not wanting to wake him, I desperately try to get out of bed without making too much noise, but my lion isn't having it. He pulls me closer to him and elicits a small growling sound as I'm jarred back into his embrace. "Good morning, my love," Can says as he buries his head into my neck, placing sweet kisses on my bare skin. "Can, you're here, you're really here," I say to him, giggling as he continues to use his head and nose to cuddle into my neck as if he were a cat nuzzling its owner. "Baby, I missed you too much to stay away and getting on that plane leaving you here was probably one of the hardest things I've ever done," he says, pulling himself out of my neck and cupping my face with his hands.

"It wasn't easy for me either," I say, pulling his lips to mine. He deepens the kiss and just as we're about to get lost in each other, my phone rings. I glide over Can to grab it on the nightstand and smile as I see Levent's name come across the screen. "Hi! I say a bit too excited. "Well, someone woke up in a great mood!' Levent responded in a similar excited tone. "Will you be ready in thirty minutes? We've got to go over our next assignment and I want to take you and Adam out to dinner tonight. He's dying to get to know you better since we spend so much time together." Levent said in his typical speed-talk way.

"Of course, dinner sounds great. I'll be bringing a plus one though, hopefully that's okay," I say to him while a wink at Can, who looks a little confused and perhaps a touch annoyed? Angry? I can't really put my finger on it. "Ohhh! Sanem, do I finally get to meet Can? Is he here?" Levent says as his voice goes up an octave in pure excitement. "Yes, yes you do! I can't wait. I'll see you in thirty minutes, thanks again for always picking me up," I said as I put the phone down and getup to start a shower.

"So, Levent is your workshop partner I assume?" Can asks in a way where I can't really tell if it was a question or a statement. "Yes," I simply say from the bathroom as I begin brushing my teeth. I head into the shower and come out to tea and breakfast waiting for me. A girl could get used to this.


Hours go by and I've busied myself with re-engaging with the American Redmond team. Since I've decided to stay awhile, I worked out that I would do a majority of the campaign work out of their office and in return, they'd have unfettered access to me. McKinnon loved the idea since the company is American and they'd have an opportunity to see how the global market in one region handles advertising campaigns.

Sanem is supposed to text me where to meet her and Levent for dinner. As the day has gone by the more annoyed I've gotten at this arrangement. I've only just gotten here and she's insisting on sharing our first night reunited with another man. I'm trying to curb my jealousy, but I'm slowly losing my battle.

<<Hi love, our session ran over, but we're hoping to meet in about 30 minutes at a place called The Violet Hour. xo- S>>

<<Okay. I'll meet you there. Love you. C>>

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