7- Decisions

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Previously: Sanem: After laying silently in each others arms for awhile, he kisses me and says "I'll be right back" and heads out the door, likely to get a change of clothes. I put his shirt on and crawl under the sheets.

I come back to the room to find her sound asleep in my shirt, certainly a sight I could get used to. I get into bed next to her and and pull her into my chest and all I can think about is how I'm going to survive without her for six whole months? 


I stir and it takes me a moment to realize where I am. I'm very warm and being held tightly. I look down and see Can's arm holding me and I smile. It's late, or rather it's really early. I reach for my phone on the nightstand and it's 3am. I hear Can begin to alter his breathing, he pulls me in even tighter and I move so that I'm now facing him. His face is scrunched and he looks like he's in pain. I caress his face and his hair, hoping to comfort him. His eyes start to flutter open and he's searching my face. "It's okay, I'm right here. I'm right here." I say sweetly to him. 

"Sanem" he whispers, almost like a desperate whimper. He puts his hands on either side of my face and starts kissing me. I bring my hand to his bare chest and drag my finger nails across his abs all the way to his collarbone, he moans and puts his forehead to mine. I gently kiss the top of his nose and move to his neck and trail kisses down to his shoulder and cross over to the other side of his neck while positioning myself on top of him. I'm actually surprised how quickly I've started to learn his body and how our movements together are so natural and easy. He's on his back and I continue my quest of kissing every inch of my albatross. His hands aren't shy with me either as he starts to move them from the thighs to my stomach to my breasts and then to my face where he pulls me into him and begins to passionately kiss me, parting my lips and taking no prisoners with each lick. He pulls on my lower lip and I let out a moan. "Sanem, we have to stop," he breathes. "I want you so badly." He says as he moves my hair away from my face. And I realize that he's probably uncomfortable, aching for his own release. I panic a little not really knowing what to do, this is all so new to me. I take a deep breath and kiss him and my fingers meet the waistband of his pants. He pulls away from me a little and looks me in the eyes. I continue and gently grab him, griping him with enough force to lightly tug up and down. 

She's touching me and I'm about to unravel and lose it. Her hands on me are more than I could've imagined  - I can't believe this is actually happening. I know she's nervous, but it's hard for me to even think straight while she's stroking me and trying so hard to please me. I shift into her so we're on our sides facing each other. While I kiss her, I take my hand and and put it over hers, showing her the rhythm. She takes the lead, always the fast learner, and leans harder into me so I can feel her skin on mine. I move my hand over her panties, thankful that she's only wearing my shirt, and realize how turned on she is with me too. She momentarily stops stroking me as a reaction to my touch and continues back on me, gaining momentum and I'm writhing and moaning - her touch is almost more than I can handle. She whispers in my ear, "I love you" and it's my undoing. I loudly release and pull her into me. She lays on my chest, mindlessly running her nails up and down my arms and stomach and I can feel her smiling. How is it that I can never get enough of her touch? We fall back asleep aware that in a few short hours we head back to realty, but this time it's together as a couple. 


It's been a week since our Italy trip. A week that we've been secretly dating and dodging everyone in the office. A week of secret meetings in the park and Can's house. I know he's getting restless and wants everyone to know. I just want to live in this bubble a little longer without having to include everyone. Without having to worry about my parents asking a million questions. I'm sitting at my desk with a smile on my face after our morning ritual- giving Can his tea. He lingers longer when I hand it to him, our fingers touching, and he always walks me to the door and pulls me to the left near the couch to sneak a kiss before I head over to my desk.

As I start writing for an upcoming campaign, I get a call from a number I don't know. I grab my phone and head for the archives and answer it on my way down the stairs. "Hello". 

"Hello, Ms. Aydin?" the woman says. 

"Yes, this is Sanem." 

"Sanem, this is Zeynep Polat from the Prestige School of Art Academy." 

My heart starts beating so fast and I know this is it - this is the moment of truth. Will I be accepted? 

"Hello Ms. Polat" is all I can muster for a response. 

"Sanem we would be delighted to have you join us for the upcoming fellowship opportunity and take one of the coveted spots. I will send all the details to your inbox. As you know the fellowship is broken into two sections, the six month abroad workshop and the six month work with your mentor, whom you'll be assigned to at some point while your abroad." 

"Thank you so much for this opportunity! I cannot believe this is happening!" I say a bit too eagerly. "Are scholarships available for this fellowship?" 

"No, however if you accept, there has been an anonymous donor that has taken care of the tuition portion for you, which would just leave your travel expenses," she says. "Oh and by the way, this class of fellows will be abroad in the United States - Chicago. We'll need your final commitment by the end of the week." 

I gulped. The United States? Chicago? Six Months? "Thank you so much, I will let you know by then." 

I feel him before I see him. Can enters the archives with a smile on his face. "Congratulations, baby!" he says and pulls me in for a hug. 

"Thank you! But you've known this whole time, haven't you?" 

"I have known since I left the discussions in Italy, and I'm just so proud of you," he says beaming. 

"But Can, how can I leave for six months? I've never been away from my family for that long. And it's in Chicago - I don't speak a lick of english! And more importantly, how can I be away from you for six months? I just can't." 

He's still holding me and says, "Sanem, think about what this could do for your writing career. Think about how this could be the best thing for you and how your talent got you here." 

I close my eyes and know that he's right. This is the opportunity of a lifetime, I have to say yes. 


I manage to sneak out of the agency unnoticed that afternoon, Deren and Sanem are in a meeting discussing next steps for some upcoming campaigns and the other gossipers are actually doing work, which pleases me to no end. I hop in my truck and start driving and  nervously roll the two stones in my left hand over and over. I park and walk up to the door and knock. 

"Can, What a surprise! Come in, come in!" 

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