12- My Kind of Town

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Hi! I'm so sorry I've been MIA with this story. I had writers block and then did that 4 part piece after Can said he was going to the Balkens (which we all knew wouldn't really happen, but I felt SO compelled to write Sanem's story after that BS). So you may need to re-read 10 and 11 to get back into the groove since it's been SO long. Thanks to my squad for always being so motivating (and threatening my life if I didn't finish this story! lol! I love my Queens). xoxo-T

Previously: Can: Whatever she's doing with her tongue is my undoing. She untangles from me and heads to the sink, but quickly returns and curls into my arms. We stay there silently for awhile catching our breathes. She shifts her body and makes eye contact with me and a smile curls on her face, "this was better than the dream." 


Stretching out my arms as the light creeps up on my face, I smile thinking about yesterday. I look around the room and see that my parents are still sleeping and as usual I'm the early bird. I get up and roam the condo looking at all the photos Can has taken. Touching each one feeling closer to him as I explore the world through his lens. I close my eyes and imagine what it was like when he was there and how he decided to capture that specific moment in time. 

A thought comes across my mind and before I lose it I run to my desk and write it down. That thought turned into writing for an hour. Looking at my phone I have missed messages from Can, seeing if we're awake and anxious to come over. I smile and hear my parents stirring and tell him "It's your condo, you are welcome whenever you want." Within minutes I hear a light knock on the door. 

I open the door and he looks past me. When he doesn't see my parents he pulls me out in the hall and kisses me passionately. "I missed you so much," he says as he pulls back and puts his face on the nape of my neck. He takes a large breath and exhales slowly and the feelings sends tingles down my spine. How can he make me feel that way in less than a minute? I kiss him again and pull him inside the door as my mom walks into the kitchen. "Hi Can Bey! Do you want some chai? I'm about to brew a pot," anne says.  

"Oh yes, please, I'd love some," he says and  I excuse myself to take a quick shower and get ready while Can and my family start breakfast and discuss the plans for the day. 


Can shows us around Chicago- all the touristy places first. We visit Navy Pier, "The Bean" in Millennium Park, Wrigleyville where American baseball is played, and we settle on having deep dish pizza for lunch. Can gets up to use the rest room and my phone buzzes with a text. 

Meet me by the bathrooms 

I smile and excuse myself to use the restroom as well. I walk down the corridor and Can grabs me and pulls me into the unisex bathroom. "What are you..." I try to say before he starts passionately kissing me. He then opens the door, kisses my hand and nudges me out while he goes back in. I return to the table with the biggest most ridiculous smile on my face. 

We eat the most delicious filling pizza I've ever had in my life and then continue our tour. "Sanem, I think I should show you the best route from the apartment to your workshops so you feel comfortable the first few days," Can says. "I agree with him, but you two go ahead, anne and I are going to go lay down and start packing for our trip home tomorrow," baba says. 


Hours later we're together, just the two of us in the city. There's something electric about the hustle and bustle of a large city and the energy is contagious. Sanem has a big smile on her face as we go hand-in-hand and hop on the brown line el train. "I know you have a photographic memory, which will be helpful when we get off and we walk to your building," I tell her as I pull her down to sit in the seat next to me. The train gets very crowded and I realize we're at the height of commuting time. Sanem starts to slowly panic, being confined in a small space with so many people. I immediately remember that she doesn't do well in these situations and I see the next stop is coming up. And while it's not the stop we need to get off on, I know I literally need to get her off this train as soon as possible. 

The train comes to a stop and I grab her by the waist with one arm and hold her hand with the other, guiding her out of her own nightmare. We make it through the turnstiles and I realize we're close to my hotel. "Can you make it another block, love?" I say to her as I face her and gently move her hair behind her ear. She nods, but is having a hard time looking at me as she's trying to control her breathing. "It's going to be okay. Just come with me and I'll hold you while we walk. Take deep breaths", I said as we started to walk. I know that if I can get her in the hotel room, get her some water and let her rest in a quiet place, she'll be just fine.

We reach the hotel and I tell her to close her eyes as soon as we step into the elevator. A couple tries to join us and I kindly ask them to take the next one. As they look at Sanem with her eyes sealed shut, they nod and wait for the next elevator. I open the door to the room and take Sanem to the bed and she immediately lays down in the fetal position with a pillow between her arms. I bring her water and stroke her hair. I lean down to kiss her forehead before getting up to give her some space. To my surprise, she pulls me into a hug and whispers thank you. 

"Sanem, I'm so sorry, I should've realized the time or at least warned you. I know that you're used to taking the bus in Istanbul, but these trains can get really packed during commuting time," I tell her very calmly and just above a whisper. She looks into my eyes and something about her shifts in that moment. 

Looking into Can's eyes, I'm suddenly well aware that we are alone. He has managed to maneuver me from a difficult situation that left my mind paralyzed. I haven't had a panic attack in quite some time. I'm so grateful I wasn't alone and that Can knew exactly how to handle me.

I reach for him again, but this time I put both my hands on his face and look him dead in the eye. I'm staring at him, taking him in and I think to myself, he's it for me. He's absolutely the only one for me and I can't imagine my life without him in it. I begin to kiss him urgently, taking all of my feelings and trying so hard to convey to him what he means to me in delicious kisses mixed with licks and bites and this need to be as close to him as possible is taking over me. Needing a breath, I pull back and without thinking and going fully on what I feel, I quickly take my top off and throw it to the ground and grab the hem of his shirt to do the same. "San.." he starts, but I'm faster than him and my lips meet his again, hoping that he gets the message that I just want to be lost in this feeling. I don't want to overthink right now, I want to feel and explore. I get on my knees and tower over him a bit, not breaking the kiss and gently push down on his chest so he lays down. He needs to readjust because half of his body is off the bed, so he grabs me around the waist and moves himself and me at the same time, then lays me down so he's on top of me. 

We make out for what seems like forever, his scent engulfing me. I'm completely content with being with him, touching his chest, his face, his arms, each time our skin touches I feel like my body is taking on little shock waves of warmth. I want more, I need more. Just as I'm starting to feel brave and bold, my phone rings. I know exactly who it is and I know that our time is limited. Can is the first to pull away and I reach for him and pull him back to me. "Sanem, it's your parents and we've been here for over two hours already," Can says as he looks at his phone, shocked that our make out session lasted so long, and then not shocked all at the same time. 

After talking to my parents, I tell them we lost track of time roaming around the city and that we were on our way back for our final dinner with them before they head back to Istanbul tomorrow. 


Before we open the condo door, I grab Can's hand and tug him so he's fully facing me. "Tomorrow night will be our first night alone with each other and I hope that you're going to come stay here with me and check out of the hotel," I say to him quietly so my parents don't hear us in the hallway. ""Sanem, are you sure? I don't want to push you to do something you aren't ready for and I don't want you to feel pressured", he says as he pulls me into his chest. "Can, I need you to stay here with me," I say, "I want you to stay here with me." Can smiles, "Of course Bebek, I would love to." Little does he know that I plan on giving myself to him completely the first chance I get. 

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