8- The Plan

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Previously: Sanem: He's still holding me and says, "Sanem, think about what this could do for your writing career. Think about how this could be the best thing for you and how your talent got you here." I close my eyes and know that he's right. This is the opportunity of a lifetime, I have to say yes.

I manage to sneak out of the agency unnoticed that afternoon, Deren and Sanem are in a meeting discussing next steps for some upcoming campaigns and the other gossipers are actually doing work, which pleases me to no end. I hop in my truck and start driving and nervously roll the two stones in my left hand over and over. I park and walk up to the door and knock.

"Can, What a surprise! Come in, come in!" 


I walk inside hesitantly, questioning if I was making the right decision. And realize, it's Sanem, of course I am. But is this really how I should go about this? We sit and words just fall out of my mouth about everything - our time in Italy together and about her impending decision about Chicago and ultimately her future. How I can't be the reason she stays, but how I don't know how to let her go, either. How I once was this recluse of a man, a shell of a man really, until Sanem breathed life into my soul and lit it on fire.

"Are you ready to be with her through thick and thin, though?" he asks me.

"Yes!" I say without hesitation, wondering how he could even think I could leave her.

"You broke her heart. You told her you would listen to her when she was ready to tell you everything and you didn't. You told her that her heart was safe with you, but it wasn't. Look, Can, I'm not trying to insult you, I'm just protecting her. She's like a sister to me and you didn't see her after the break up. You weren't here when she cried uncontrollably, when the light left her eyes," his voice gaining confidence as he protects her, it pisses me off to no end.

"Osman, I know. I was quick to jump to conclusions, I was quick to misjudge the information, but I was hurt too, and I'm not used to letting people in. So I did what I know how to do - I shut her out. But our connection was just too strong and because of her I'm learning about forgiveness."

"Can, I know you love her. I can see the way you look at her, the way you are with her. I know she feels the same way about you, you're both crazy about each other. I guess my only question is why me? Why did you come to me?" Osman asks.

I take a deep breath, "Sanem has mentioned that she doesn't want to tell her parents about us. Says that she wants more time before telling them. I don't understand, why? And since you're one of her best friends and can give me a different perspective, I needed to know. I'm ready to go knock on their door and scream from the rooftops that we're together, but she won't let me."

"Ah." Osman smiles and shakes his head. "That's because of our traditions. Around here, there's not really 'dating'. It's more like, declaring that your intent is marriage. She likely didn't want to put you in a position where you felt pressured into that immediately. And trust me, with our neighborhood gossip, things would get messy pretty fast."

"Well then, here's what I'm proposing I do." I proceed to tell him my plan and he nods in agreement and offers ways to "sell" it to the rest of the Aydin family. I glance down and see that Sanem has texted me and I start to respond and decide to wait until I'm alone. Osman offers me some tea, I stay for a little longer getting to know one of Sanem's closest friends. I can see why they're so fond of each other, even if I was quite jealous of their fake engagement. 

I notice that Can is no where to be found when I get out of my meeting. No one has seen him and when I round the corner in the parking garage, his truck is gone. I pull out my phone and call him, but he doesn't answer. I text: <<Can, where did you run off to?>> I see that he's starting to text me back as those little three dots show up as he's typing <...> but he never actually responds to me! What are you doing Can Divit?! I'm done for the day and decide to head home a little early so that I can talk to my parents about Chicago. They'll miss me terribly and I'll miss them, but I know that it's the best thing for me - I just hope they let me. And then a wave of emotions hit me... Can. How can I leave Can for six months?  How can I not see him everyday? How can I not kiss him? Or touch him? Or talk to him? We haven't even been together that long and yet, I feel like I don't remember what my life was like before him. 

I'm waiting for the bus and a smile comes across my face when I remember our dinner in Tuscany. The dimmed lights, the sensual electric chemistry between us and of course the anticipation of what the night had in store. The kissing, the touching, the craving. How can I possibly go anywhere right as we're getting started? Maybe I can defer another year and see if admissions will allow that, but I don't want to lose this opportunity. It's my dream to be a writer and now it could be a reality. 

I arrive at home to find the house empty and head into my room and do what I do best - put pen to paper. I must've lost track of time because I'm being called down for dinner. I head downstairs and Osman and Ayhan are at the table too! I'm surprised because they didn't tell me they were coming over for dinner and delighted because they're like family. After dinner is finished Osman asks if I want to go get tea with him and talk a little and I'm sure it's about Leyla so I agree. 

"Osman, it's freezing out here! Why are we going to the rocks to talk?" I say as my teeth are chattering. 

"Because, just like you the water calms me," he smiles back. 

We walk up to the rocks and that's when I see him. I look at Osman who just shrugs at me and says, "I'm going to wait over here, but don't be too long, it's freezing out here!" 

I giggle and nudge Osman in disbelief that he lead me to a secret meeting with Can. I give him a hug and run to meet Can on the rocks. 

"Is this where you've been hiding?" I say as I balance myself around the rocks, hoping not to slip and fall. 

He reaches for me and engulfs me in a hug, "Hello my love." He's so warm and his puffy coat is open so I reach inside and pull into him for warmth. He kisses me, pulls back and reminds me how beautiful I am and I melt realizing I never had a fighting chance against this man. 

"So, what do I owe this secret visit to?" I say, breaking the kiss. 

"Sanem, you have to go to Chicago and before you protest, I've come up with a plan for us and your parents. I have a place there, I used to be in Chicago a lot when I was traveling to the States and I want you to stay there. It's very safe, has a doorman and it overlooks a zoo, plus it's near the lake and I know how much you love water! It's in a very nice neighborhood called Lincoln Park. Plus, your classes are only a train ride away into the loop (downtown Chicago). I won't take no for an answer and before you ask, no you cannot pay for it," he says as he's playing with my hair and looking into my eyes. 

"Can, I...I don't know what to say." I'm stunned. "I just don't know that my parents will say yes." 

In that moment he hands me an envelope. I open it and see four tickets to Chicago. 

"I think if your parents can drop you off and see it, they'll feel better about it, don't you?" he says as he pulls me in for another kiss. 

"But what about us?" I say as I take his hands in mine.  

He pulls me close to him and whispers, "if you tell me to stay, I'll stay. If you tell me to go, I'll go." 

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