The not so new girl

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Chapter 2

  Physic 101, my not so favourite subject. Why do I need it, because my parents said I did? So here I am sitting in the back of the class, hoping to disappear into the walls. A few of the student were still talking about their summer vacation.

 Apparently, Suzy Yong, spend it with her dad in China but mostly with her bodyguard Yin. Brenda, B number 3, spent it spent in Clyde’s bed, and Clyde spent it with all the Bs and a few other names I know and didn’t know.

 You must be wondering how is it that I know these things? Well, when you sit in the back and pretend to be invisible, everyone else starts to believe you are. The things people will say when they don’t know you’re there. Clyde and a few other member of his gang were in my class. However, they never once looked at me, so I guess that means I’m in the clear.

 Mr. Franks walked into the class carrying more books than he can handle. He set them down with a loud thud, making a few of the students groan. He adjusted his glasses on his nose and smiled. “Well students, welcome back. I hope you all enjoyed your summer?”

 The class began to cheer, with, “Hell yeah” and “You know it.” I, on the other hand was not so cheerful. When the class settled down, Mr. Franks explained what we would be covering over the year. He started to hand out projects. Putting a stack on the desk in each front row table, telling the students to take one and pass the rest down.

 Well, like I said before, I pretend to be invisible, so people tend to not see me. Well, guess what? This also applies to my teachers. All the projected was handed out and invisible me, was the only one who did not get one.

 “Ok, so you have your first project of the year sitting in front of you. So let’s begin. As you can see, we are going to experiment a little. We are going to be looking at Estimat...”

 “Um, Mr. Franks, sorry to interrupt Sir, but... I, um, I didn’t get the project sheet.” I cut him off mid-speech.

 Mr. Franks pushed his glasses up his nose and cleared his throat. “And who might you be young lady?”

Ok seriously, is he really saying he doesn’t know who I am? “Juliet, Sir. Juliet Daniels.”

He stared at me a little before he spoke again. “Well, Ms Daniels, are you new? Is this your first day.”

 My what? You have to be kidding me.

I started to laugh but stopped when I saw that he was serious. “Um, no Sir. I’ve been in your class since junior year.” Mr. Franks look slightly perplexed. “Are you certain young lady?” I wanted to roll my eyes, just as much as I wanted to disappear from all the eyes that were on me. “Ah, yes Sir, I’m sure.”

 Mr. Franks shrugged, “Hmm, I almost never forget a face.” Well, I guess that means that my face is pretty forgettable. He handed me my project sheet and continued teaching the class. How sad was that, to not be remembered? A whole year in the man’s class and he doesn’t even know who I am. Makes you wonder, doesn’t it? How many of my teachers actually knows who I am? I might just have to test that theory.

 The rest of the class went on pain-free. A few of the students were giving me looks and snickering, but apart from that it was normal. Well, as normal as can be.

  I retrieved my books for my next class and began walking in that direction. The hall was empty, so I was pretty sure I was alone. I popped my IPod into my ears and began to hum the tune, before long I was full out singing. Something I would never do in public. One of my favourite songs started playing, and I was lost in the music. I began singing; I didn’t even realise I was passing the music room, and the door was wide open.

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