40 | Too Easy

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"Speak before I decide to end your life right here with my gun," Genevieve said as she aims her gun at the mysterious visitor.

"Please spare me my life for I come to inform you about the whereabouts of the duchess. Believe it or not, I'm trying to find a way for the duchess to escape from the place she was captive as well. When I was informed that the soldiers of the emperor manage to infiltrate this land, I took the risk to be the bearer of good news myself," Genevieve wasn't buying any of this man's words.

"Prove to me that you're not just lying through your teeth," the man didn't hesitate to present his hands.

"Please believe me. If proof you seek, I have none. But I'm willing to lose a limb just to make sure that the duchess is safe. Please, noblewoman. Believe me, for all the words I've spoken, is true. My name is Nate and my children are among those who seek refuge in your land. This is my way of thanking the emperor for accepting them," Genevieve lowers her gun and so does the others.

"Where did they keep the duchess and why did they kidnap her in the first place?" Genevieve asked.

"I believe the supreme leader was trying to force the duchess to sign some important papers. Because the duchess possessed the ring, she has the power to sign the important papers as the emperor does," Genevieve raised an eyebrow.

"Just because your leader didn't get to the emperor, he aimed for his wife instead. A snake, that's what your leader is. Now, tell me where kept the duchess?" Nate nods his head and reaches for something that he hid inside his jacket pocket.

Instinctively, the soldier raised their guns again when they thought Nate was trying to do something to Genevieve. But instead, Nate shows them a piece of paper. A map to be exact.

"She was kept at one of the safe houses near the supreme leader main mansion. This safe house basically stores our food supplies and it is heavily guarded because the amount of food that came out for us here is limited. There was a point in time that we decided to steal some of the food just to feed our family," Genevieve observed the map thoroughly.

"Does the forest heavily guarded as well?" Nate nods his head.

"Except for the lake. The supreme leader doesn't let anyone near that lake including his own guards. If you manage to get yourself to the lake, there is a direct route to the safe house where the duchess is held captive. We could only help you once you manage to enter the safe house," Genevieve was surprised.

"What did you said? You want to help us?" Nate nods his head.

"It seems like we have the obligation to save the duchess as well. She seems like a lovely ruler. It was a bit of surprise for us when she was worried about our well being when we told her that we want to help her escape. We never met but I can feel that she's important to you, the people and to your emperor," Genevieve was having second thoughts about this.

"How do you get yourself inside the safe house when is it heavily guarded?" Genevieve asked.

"A few of the guards decided to help the duchess too. As I said before, we all would like to show our gratitude since your emperor accepted our children into your land. Besides, we all thought that it's time for us to revolt against the supreme leader. We were foolish enough to lured by empty words of his agenda. In the end, our children have to suffer because of our decision," By then, Genevieve knows that this man is being truthful.

"I guess I can't change your mind. It seems like you guys have your own battle to win. Just keep this in mind. Some of you might lose your life tonight. I hope you guys rethink about this," Nate raised his hand.

The Emperor's Rose (GirlxGirl) (Futanari)Where stories live. Discover now