"Alright, everyone take a hand." Finral looked confused, but Asta seemed annoyed.

  "Not this again! I almost got killed last time you made me grab onto just one thing!"

  "I could've just let you fall to your death." You smirked and he shook a fist at you. Each of them grabbed a hand. While you were in the air, the weight of the two guys was weighing you down quite a bit, causing you to be slower than usual. But there was nothing you could do about it. You hovered at a good distance above the bandits in the air. Even in plain daylight, they didn't seem to notice you or sense your strong royal mana, so you approached closer. You hada them move down onto your arms. When you got into range, you opened your grimoire and held out your hands.

  "Galaxy Creation Magic: Starry Binding Chains."

  Conveniently there was 10 bandits, so you shot one chain out of your fingers for each bandit. They were skinny but durable, sort of like Vanessa's threads. They were just able to sense your mana at the last second, but they didn't react fast enough, so they were entangled in your chains. They tried casting spells and wiggled around, but they were pretty much at an immediate loss. You headed down to them, and shook the guys off of you a few feet above the ground. They didn't seem like anything special, just some normal commoners with little magic and hoods covering their faces. The three of you went around and de-hooded each one. It was mostly a gang of guys, but there was a couple girls.

  "Unbind us at once, filthy Black Bull!" One shouted at you. You whipped your head around and stomped over to him, kneeing him, hard, in the the stomach. He dropped on one knee and looked back up at you with a scoff. You simply walked back over to Finral. 

  "I think it's time to bring them in now." They were still shocked at what you had just done. So they just nodded and you began to gather them up. You reattached the chains to your fingers and dragged them through Finral's portal. When you arrived at the capital, they were kinda shocked to see a teenage girl dragging a bunch of bandits at the same time. You handed them over and stepped back through the portal. You wanted to have a free day to have a little more time to recover, so you expected you would be heading home.

  "I have to pick something up really quick. You guys can stay here, I'll be back in a couple minutes." Finral said. You were kind of annoyed, but it was only a couple minutes. You nodded and waved. You plopped yourself onto the grass, leading Asta to sit next to you. There was a calm breeze, and it was pretty warm out. There was silence between you for a while.

  "When are we gonna tell them?" You didn't need him to explain what he meant-you were already fully aware.

  "Eventually." Is what you replied. You stared at the sky and grinned. You didn't even notice Finral was back until he stepped in front of you, blocking the sun.

"Alright, let's head back." You nodded and stepped through his portal, heading back into the base where everyone was doing their everyday thing. You were ready to relax when a drunken Vanessa slung an arm around your shoulders.

"Hey (Y/N), you wouldn't mind going out and buying me some wine would ya?" A part of you wanted to say no, but you knew she would go on a rampage if she didn't have her wine. You reluctantly agreed, so she gave you the name of the shop and the wine and the amount of money you would need. You grabbed your broom and set off. You were hoping you wouldn't come across anyone you knew, since they would probably make fun of you for being in the Black Bulls. The shop was a quicker flight than you expected. You hopped off of your broom and headed inside. It was pretty quiet, but it was a nice shop. You pulled out the slip of paper Vanessa had given you and glanced at the name. There was way too many wines stacked on shelves, so you sighed knowing this would probably be a while. You scanned through the shelves reading each name closely. In the corner of the room, a shelf with the name of the wine sat waiting for someone to take a content off of its shelves. You grabbed three and walked up to the counter, where the man attending it gave you a strange look.

Since We Were Young {Asta x Reader} {Slow Updates}Where stories live. Discover now