I had texted Will once I reached Tiff's place. He told me then, that it was likely the damage caused was going to keep him there for a while, possibly all night even.

"Oh no," Tiff frowned. "I hope everything works out. Devon is stuck at work too," she said with a soft smile.

Before I could say anything else, Tiff face-palmed and shook her head. "Oh, look at me. Keeping you here like an idiot," she said, noticing that we were still in the foyer. "Come in," she tugged at my arm, leading me further inside.

Tiff took my coat and hung it up and lead me into the living room, where I saw Emma and Mr Hunter, standing with Tiff's parents.

As I walked into the room, their heads turned my way, with Emma immediately smiling and walking towards me.

"Rena, my dear," Emma said, pulling me into a hug. "Oh, it's so good to see you," she said.

I hugged her back, a smile on my face as I did so. "Hi," I grinned, when we broke apart.

"Peter, look who it is," Emma said, rather loudly. I found it amusing she was pointing out the obvious.

Mr Hunter grinned as I moved towards him.

"Rena!" He shouted.

He placed the drink he held onto the mantel-shelf above the fireplace, where he was stood and then opened his arms.

I happily walked into them and he wrapped me into a bear hug. "Oh, darling. How I've missed you. Although, I'd be a little more happy to see you if you brought some of your Mum's baked goods with you, like the good old days," he added and I laughed at his words.

"Peter," I heard Emma's voice behind us, in a playful, scolding tone.

I pulled out of the embrace. "Sorry, Mr Hunter. Hopefully the next time I see you, I won't disappoint," I smiled.

Mr Hunter smiled at me, holding out his pinky and I laughed, whilst linking my pinky with his. A grown man like him still using a pinky promise is too adorable.

"It's time you called me Peter now, Rena," he then said and I nodded. I still wouldn't - it's too weird.

"Serena-" Emma then said and I turned to face her, as she stood with Tiff's parents. "-You know my sister, Lucy and her husband Stefan."

I nodded. I had met them a couple times, including at the engagement party.

"It's nice to meet you, again," I smiled.

"Likewise, dear. It's lovely seeing you again," Tiff's Mum said, her husband raising his glass and nodding too, in agreement, I think.

As we all continued to speak, I suddenly felt my hand grabbed by another, with a gentle tug.

"Serena, come with me for moment," she said, excitedly. "I want to show you the adorable place setting I got. Oh and the idea I had for the guests. I didn't want the usual guest book so I thought of something else..."

She rambled on whilst pulling me away from the group and I looked at them with a helpless expression.

It was sweet how excited Tiff was about her wedding, I was just a little worried about my arm and whether or not it would survive the little journey to wherever Tiff was taking me.

I guess dinner could wait a moment.


For what seemed like a long while, Tiff told me all about the plans that she had for the wedding. I had to admit, it was pretty cute. I would have to use this as inspiration for whenever I start planning.

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