Lefty x Rockstar Freddy

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This was requested by crazyunderfell sorry it took so long! Also this is taking place right after the whole Lefty snapping on Rockstar Freddy thing.

R.Freddy's POV:

'Why do I always mess these type of things up!? Why can't I ever just keep the ones I care about most with me?! God...I knew I'd miss him but I didn't think it'd be this much!'

I was currently walking around Freddy Land looking for Lefty. It had been about two whole days since I last saw him after he snapped at me about Molten.

I knew he cared about the guy and he wanted to defend him but still...that doesn't take away what he did! What I did to him...

I admit of done bad things in the past but I'm trying to be better for everyone else. I'm trying to be the Dad that Baby never really had,I'm trying to help Bryan with his twisted animatronic problem. But most importantly I'm trying to be a good enough friend towards Lefty because well...he really does mean a lot to me.


It was now dark outside and everyone else was gone including Bryan who decided to go home for the night. I still hadn't found Lefty as I was now starting to look in the gift shops for him. Eventually I got tired of it and decided to just rest in one of them that's when I heard a familiar voice.

"I know should just say I'm sorry but what's the point? It's not like he cares or anything. He hasn't tried to find me at all since are fight!" I recognized that voice as Lefty but I had no idea idea who he was talking to. So I decided to get closer to where his voice was coming from so I could get a better view. That's when I realized he was just talking to a little cactus?

'It's moments like these were I wonder if he's okay mentally.' I thought to myself as I continued to watch him have a one sided conversation with the little cactus.

"I mean is it me!? Am I the problem?! I mean Molten never seemed to have too much trouble talking to me so why is Freddy different?" Lefty asked the little cactus but got no response. I decided I had about enough of watching Lefty talk to a object so I went over to him.

"Hey Lefty..." I said trying  to sound casual as Lefty quickly turned around to look at me. "What do you want!?" Lefty asked me with a hint of anger letting me know he was still mad at me. "Lefty...I want to apologize for what happened between us. I know I shouldn't have said those things about Molten and Happy Frog. I just...I'm sorry I upset you. Please forgive because...I miss you" I said as I looked down at the floor. I then felt a pair of arms wrap around me giving me a comforting hug.

"I accept your apology Freddy." Lefty whispered as he continued to hug me making me feel a little flustered though I wasn't sure why. "Thank you Lefty...I really do care about you. Even though I don't show it most of the time." I said as I returned the hug. "I know." Lefty simply replied as we both just continued to hug like that for a little longer.

'I don't know what I'd do without this idiot.I just feel like...he completes me.'

Not sure if this was good or bad but I hope you guys enjoyed reading it! Well guess I'll cya all later,bye!

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