Chapter 8 Confessions

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So I am really happy with the responses I am getting on my story, and I love reading the reviews and commentts. Makes me want to continue writing. So i'll dop all the boring part and give you the story...

Iris P.O.V

I shifted and moved restlessly on the bed... a bed? I hit a warm embrace. I felt a warm hand around my waist and then a large shoulder, a neck and a face... a face? I tried opening my eyes but they just wouldn't open. It was getting difficult. I tried rubbing and blinking again and again but my eye lids felt so heavy. Just then the hand around my waist moved and I hated the cold air that hit me. The hand caressed my cheek. Oh! How warm they were... And then he spoke.

"Iris? Iris? How are you feeling?" Wait a second, I know that voicee... it is so familiar, where have I heard it? 

Oh! God! Is that Nathan? No, how can it be? I hadn't seen him for like ages.
No it isn't. Maybe I am dreaming.  Yes, it has to be it. I am dreaming about Nathan. 

"Nathan?" I tried to open my eyes, but they were just so droopy. It was getting difficult. I turned my face and I could see a faint figure. "Nathan?" I asked again. 

"Yes, yes! It is me, Nathan. Oh! I am so glad you are here. I am so sorry! I really am! I should have never left you!"

"Hmm..." Was all I could say. It seemed like I was drained out of my energy. I couldn't speak. But anyway, it was just a dream. I had dreamt of Nathan every single day after he left me. My heart felt heavy, something weighed me down. But then strong warm hands suddenly cupped my cheek. And forced me to look at the figure, I assume is my dream Nathan.

"I am never leaving, do you understand? I am right here. And this is not your dream." He strongly stated. I smiled. It is a dream. I know it. He would never be holding me like this, he would never be talking to me... Nathan left. I told myself. He left. Just like Sam did, all alone. You have one cursed life. You're ruined. You're mom ruined it the day she died. That's when the curse fell upon you. 

You are cursed, Iris. And Nathan left. 

There was pain coursing through my chest now. It pained like hell. The pain increased, it was like a cold. Ice cold surging throughout my body starting from my chest, my hips, my shoulders, my legs, my face. I screamed. Where did the pain come from? 

"Ahhh! It hurts" I screamed. There was ringing in my ears.

"Where?Where? I am so sorry! " I heard Nathan growl, very clearly though. But the pain was excruciating. My body was piercing everywhere, cold pierces. 

And then just as suddenly the pain increased, unbearably. I was gasping for breathe. I couldn't breathe,  my eyes were heavy, my chest was heaving and I felt as though I was having a cold bite, only all over my body. 

Maybe this is what it felt like to die. Maybe this is how people die. 

"Iris? Iris?" I could here Nathan cry frantically. 

Yes, I am sure I am dying. 

My breathing was getting hitchier and I was my chest was heaving like a mad dog's. 

"Nathan...I-I want to say s-somet-thing.,.." I could say. No, I am going to say it today. Before, I don't know what happens to me. I have to say it to him.

"Yes! Yes!" He said.

"Nathan, I-I don't k-now ho-w you feel ab-out me.... B-but I-I have something t-to say b-before I go!" 

"You're not going anywhere! Do you here me? You're going to stay with me.... FOREVER!" 

I ignored that, because I had very little energy to explain it to him. I took a long painful deep breathe before I could speak again and I stuttered less. 

"Nathan, you may not have the same feelings as me... But I-I wanted to say this to you. 
Every single time you look at me I feel so connected with you. 
Y-your touch..." I gasped before I resumed "It drives me crazy, you drive me crazy. I know w-we have known each other f-for very l-less time now and it is v-very wierd b-but.. I just wanted to say....
I-I L-Love Y-you. Please d-don't l-leave me..." 


I gasped the pain was increasing with every heartbeat.

" I-i know t-that this is just a d-dream, but I wan-ted to say this before I-I left." I blinked. 

"You're not going anywhere." He barked. 

Even though the pain was becoming unbearable right now but my vision was clearing. And then just as I gathered all my energy to look at Nathan one last time.

I gasped. He was right there.  His gorgous face just inches away from mine. My eyes were starting to close forcefully. But I took another big painful deep breath and looked at him. His face, pained just as mine did. I lifted my hand and weakly traced my hands across his cheeks. 

I smiled. I smiled because it felt so real. He felt so real. And I thought the pain was fading away. 

But I was wrong. The pain turned into numbness.

"Iris? Iris? DOCTOR! Get in here right now... No! Iris? I am right here...... don't g-....." I hard him say in the distance. He seemed so far now.

My eye lids drooped. And I let darkness consume me... This time maybe forever. 

Reviews/ Votes? 
And just a thought for you guys ( I hope you'll be gratefull )... Iris is NOT dead. 
I'll explain everything in the next chapter...

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