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Brad decided that since we're supposed to me watching El today we would have Courteney bring Coco over and take the girls out to a fair. Brad wakes Shay up and gives her a bath in our room so when I wake up all I have to do is get dressed and wait for them to get here.

I wake up to Brad kissing me and I slowly open my eyes smiling and kissing him back "Morning."

He slowly pulls the covers off of me knowing I won't get up if he doesn't and tells me I need to get ready "They'll be here in about 30 minutes, I let you sleep as much as I could."

"Thanks, babe." I get up and walk into the closet looking for something to wear and find a pair of jeans, a tank top, and some boots and put it on then walk back out and downstairs to the kitchen where I make myself some breakfast. As I eat, I watch Shay running around the house like a crazy person when Brad tries to get her shoes on until he stands in front of her and catches her. I wash my plate when I'm done and start to pack a bag with some extra necessities.

I hear the backdoor open and see El walking in with Coco and Shannon and Court following them. Shay runs right up to them and they all go in the living room to play and I finish packing the bag while talking to Court and Shannon.

"Do you care when they get home?" I ask both of them.

They both agree that they don't care as long as it isn't too late and say bye to the girls before leaving. I walk in the living room to see Brad and El on the couch with Shay and Coco jumping on them "Are you guys ready to go?" They all get up right away walking right over to me excited to go. I get Shay in her car seat while the others get in too, then I get in thnoe front with Brad. Just as we start to dive we get stuck in traffic since everyone is going. I try my best to entertain the girls, but Shay and Coco start to get bored.

"We there yet?" Coco asks us

"Not yet, we will be soon." Brad turns around to them giving them all some snacks to eat a while "Just a few more minutes."

Shay starts kicking my seat "I bored!!" She yells and I turn around the best I can to get her to stop "Stop kicking my seat or we take you back and only take Coco and El." That makes her stop and she still complains a little, but doesn't kick my seat.

We get there and Brad gets Shay's stiller so she doesn't run off and I hold Coco's hand while El walks next to us. Brad suggests taking them on a few of the small rides so I stand with the stuff while he does that. They go on a cat one that moves them around slowly, then another that's a little faster, and the girls love both of them. We let just the three of them go on the first one a few more times while Brad and I talk.

I move next to where we're standing and sit on the bench while Brad stands where he can see them "They really like that one."

"Yeah, they were really excited when I told them if El sat with them they could go on more. It doesn't seem like anyone else really wants to go on." He looks through the crowd of people not seeing any line "What else should we do with them? They're going to get sick of that eventually."

"Maybe go to one of the food stands to eat." I try to find one not too crowded and see one in the corner with tables "That one isn't crowded, and it has funnel cakes!"

"Do you want me to go get you a funnel cake?" He asks seeing the look of excitement on my face. I tell him yes right away and he leaves to get it then comes back about 10 minutes later handing it to me "I ate some of it on the way here, it looked really good."

I take it from him and start to eat right away, burning my mouth "Wow, this is good. Don't let them see that I have it, I don't want to share."

"You sounds like Shay." He takes a small piece from the side and when I look at him he eats it "I got it for you." Is all he says.

I look around at the other stands to see what else he can buy me "They have fried pickles there, I want one." I tell him as I finish and throw away my funnel cake. He reluctantly goes to get it for me and stands in a long line waiting forever before bringing it back to me along with a water "I figured you would want this too."

"Thank you." I start to eat the pickle before Shay runs up to is and says she wants some. I let her take a bite then the others follow her and we take them all to eat.

"Stay at the table." Brad tells the girls as they start to eat and he gets up to get us all drinks. Shay and Coco start to try to get up, but El stops them and gets then to stay where they are until Brad comes back.

I help them with their food so it doesn't get all over them. We ask them what they want to do when they're done eating and they thankfully say they don't want to go on those rides anymore. They all agree on playing some games then going for ice cream on the way back to our house.

"Girls, make sure you hold on to the stroller of you're walking in front of us." I tell Coco and El who decided they can walk on their own. Brad leads us over to some of the games they have and the girls play some of the easier games each winning a small prize.

"Mommy look!" Shay yells showing me her mini dog stuffed animal "It Norman!"

"Wow!" I lean down to the stroller where I can see it better and see how excited she is about it "We'll have to put it with your other toys when we get home so he can see it."

Brad walks over to a game telling me to stand here with them "I'll be right back." He plays a basketball game twice until he wins a big teddy bear and brings it over handing it to me "I've always wanted to get you one of these."

"Awe, thank you, baby." I look at the teddy bear for a while then put it in the bottom of the stroller so I can see the girls "What else should we do?"

"Get our ice cream." El says answering me.

Brad and I agree we should leave before it gets even more crowded so we get back in the car and go to one of the ice cream places around us. I get everyone's ice cream and sit at the table with them and we all eat.

"Did you have fun?" Brad asks all the girls. They all say they did but we can tell they're also tired. I wait for them to finish eating then clean them off and we take them to the car so we can take them home. We drop off El and Coco, then go home and put Shay in her room for a nap.

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