You did what?

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I woke up to Shay crying so I got out of bed with her and went into the living room to watch TV with her while she calms down. I told my mom yesterday that I'm pregnant, just like I promised her I would, but as of now nobody else knows.

Brad walks out into the living room a few minutes later holding my phone looking a little mad "What is this?" He asks as he shows me a few texts my mom and I have been sending each other "I heard your phone go off a few times and looked to see who it was."

I get up and take the phone from him knowing why he's mad. I never told him that I told my mom, and we decided we would tell everyone when we got home. I get Shay and start to take her towards her room and turn towards him before I get there "I had to tell her, she feels left out not knowing things!" I yell back at him, against my will "I was going to tell you I told her today, I promised her that she would be the first to know."

"Why didn't you tell me yesterday?" He asks as he follows me walking to Shay's room putting her in her bed then shutting the door so she won't hear us "I know you told her she would be the first, but we agreed we would tell them all when we got home! If you called her to tell her why couldn't you wait another day to do it?"

"She's my mother! I should be able to tell her." I follow him back to the living room "How do you think it would feel if 20 years from now Shay's pregnant and we find out from some tabloid, or by her but after everyone else already knows?" I wait for him to say something and he doesn't "See, it doesn't feel good."

He stays quiet for a while walking around the living room then finally walking back towards me "Okay, I understand you telling her, and how she can feel left out. What I don't understand is why you didn't tell me that you told her, we're supposed to tell each other these things." He stands in front of my and grabs my hands "I would have been fine with it if you told me why."

"I know I should have, I just wanted to wait until after we got back. I didn't want it to be part of our vacation." I let go of his hands and lean on him so my head is on his shoulder and I start to cry just a little "I want to fix the relationship I have with her, Brad. It's gotten better, but I want us to be able to have each other and know that we do." I stop for a minute to calm down a little "I want her to see our kids, know what they're doing and the same way for them."

He walks to towards the couch and sits down pulling me on his lap "10 years of not talking isn't going to magically disappear, you guys will have to work for it, but it'll get better." He pulls my head up so I'm looking at him and kisses me sweetly "Just remember to take it a day at a time. There's going to be times when each of you will feel left out, but that happens."

"I love you." I tell him before kissing him again and pulling myself together "I know her and I have a long ways to go, but we can do it." I let him wrap his arms around me protectively letting me know that he's here for me.

"I love you, more." He tells me being cute and laying his hands on my stomach "And you too, baby."

"You're so cute." I lay my hands next to his and we sit there for a while watching the ocean from the oversized window. The waves keep crashing on the shore, one knocking over a kids sandcastle, one almost knocking over a kid and a few that do no harm. I can't help but silently laugh when the kid got knocked down because he got right back up excited to do it again.

"When do you think we should tell everyone?" Brad asks interrupting my thoughts "I kinda think we should wait until after the appointment."

I shake my head in agreement then think about the appointment "Brad, what it's twins?" I ask him scared.

"Then it's twins." He says nonchalantly "I think that would be cool."

"Well, I kinda feel like it is." I think about what he said and know he's always said he thought he old want twins "I kinda like it too. I'm just a little scared, it's harder."

We both sit there talking about how the vacation has been and how excited we are about the baby and I slowly start to fall asleep. Shay wakes up from her nap and somehow gets out of her bed walking right out to Brad and I surprising us.

"No sleep." She pulls on my hair waking me as I lay on the couch half asleep "Wake up!"

Brad picks her up putting her on his lap next to where I'm laying "Mommy's tired, why don't we watch your shows for a little and let her sleep?"

She agrees with him right away "Daddy, watch Minnie!!" She yells at Brad when he doesn't put the TV on fast enough for her.

He quickly puts Disney Channel on for her so she stops yelling and pulls her a little farther away from me so I can sleep better "You have a bow on like Minnie." He tells her pointing to the hair bow she wanted to wear.

"I Minnie!" She tells him as she plays with the bow and ends up taking it off "Oops." She gives the bow to him.

"Watch your show and I'll fix it for you." He says as he waits for her to sit still then tries his best to get it back in her hair but she's too into the show to notice.

Brad's POV

Jen's asleep and I'm stuck watching Mikey Mouse because Shay decided that she's in charge of the TV. She keeps jumping around on my lap getting excited when she figures something out and almost wakes Jen.

"Can you calm down a little? Mommy's sleeping." I ask her and she sits in my lap a lot calmer for a while until she decides to play with her toys.

I look over at Jen sleeping peacefully next to me and think about the new baby, or babies that will be here in a few months. I'm so excited for us, I can't belive what all we've overcome in the past 2 years. She took me back after what I did and I can never thank her enough for that, her and Shay are my life, and I have no idea what I would do without them.

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