Ready or not

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I lay on the couch as Brad rubs my back while I go through contractions "Brad, this hurts." I complain to him.

"I know it does. We can go to the hospital anytime you want, we have everything packed." He gets up and gets the bag,

I stand up and follow him as we walk out to the car. We drive to the hospital and get checked in then they give me a gown to change into so I do that while Brad tells our family. I walk out from changing and get into the bed "I hope this doesn't take too long."

Brad sits in the chair next to me moving the pillows behind me so I'm more comfortable "Hopefully it wont, but it's worth it in the end." He reassures me "You'll be fine."

One of the nurses comes in to talk to us a little later and asks Brad some questions, then checks me to see how far I am "Well, you're at 3 right now. It's only been a few hours and it's your first so it could be a while longer yet."

"How much longer do you think?" I ask her

She fills out what she needs to on my chart then looks up at Brad and I "There's really no way of knowing. It could only be 3 more hours, or it could be a day. It all depends on your body and the baby." She tells us to get her if we have any problems or questions then leaves.

"So, I guess we have some time to kill." Brad says "What should we do?"

"I don't really feel like doing anything right now. I just want this to be over with so we can take her home." I start to complain "It's 8 in the morning and I've been up since 5:30 and haven't slept the last few days."

"Try to get some sleep." Brad gets up and dims the lights a little "Sleep now while you can, It's only going to get worse later."

I take his advise and sleep for about 2 hours until the contractions slowly start to get worse. I sit up a little once I'm awake and try to get more comfortable "It's been 4 hours now since this started, when does it end?" I ask Brad.

"It ends once she's here." He jokingly tells me "Really, I don't know. Hopefully it isn't too much longer, but you got to sleep now so that's good.'

We talk for a little until the nurse comes back in to check me again "You're almost at 7 now, so hopefully you'll have a baby by later this afternoon. Is there anything I can do for you right now?"

"Not really, I think we're good for now." I tell her and she leaves. I sit back in the bed and relax as I go through another contraction. They're so uncomfortable, but I know she'll be here soon and that's all that matter to me. I look over at Brad, who I can tell feels horrible for not being able to help me. Trying to hide the pain I hold his hand "You okay?"

He looks over at me confused and moves a little closer so he's leaning over the bed a little "You shouldn't be asking me that. Are you okay?" he asks me.

"No." I sigh and smile at how much he cares about me "I hope she was right and it doesn't take too much longer."

"I do too, I don't like seeing you in pain when I know I can't really help." He lays next to me when I make some room for him and lays his hand on my stomach "Does it hurt that she's still kicking?"

"No, that's the least of my pain." I smile and kiss him. We stay like that for a little then Brad goes back to sitting so I can get more comfortable. The nurse comes in the check me twice, and finally the second time she tells me that I'm at 9 and it shouldn't be too much longer.

"Well, it's been almost 9 hours, it could be a lot worse." Brad tells me as he rubs my back "You're really doing good."

I squeeze his hand as I feel another contraction "9 hours is bad enough, she's our last."

He laughs at what I said because he knows it isn't true "I know it hurts, but you don't mean that." he kisses my forehead "Just remember, it's all worth it."

The contractions start to get almost unbearable. I grab Brad's hand with each one trying to ease the pain a little, without much luck. Each one is worse than the one before, and I try my best to relax since I know it'll all be over soon. The nurse finally comes back in and tells me that im at 10 and she'll tell the doctor. Shortly after she leaves the doctor comes in to get everything set up and the nurses set up the bed for the baby. I lay for a while until they have everything ready. The doctor tells Brad to stand next to me and help me as I push, then she stands at my legs and tell me to start pushing during my next contraction.

Once the contraction comes I push and don't feel like I'm getting anywhere, so I take a deep breath and push as hard as I can. The doctor tells me to take a break, and start again once I'm ready. I push again during the next contraction a few times, and don't get anywhere. I want to give up, but I know I have no choice so I keep pushing through the pain until I'm completely exhausted. Brad grabs my hand and tells me I'm almost done, and I push a few more times before she is finally here. The nurses lay her on my chest after they cleaned her a little and Brad and I finally get to see her.

I hold her and start crying "I can't belive she's finally here." I look over to Brad and see him crying a little too, then hand her to him "Here, you can see her better when you're holding her."

He takes her from me staring at her for a while until she opens her eyes for him "She looks so much like you." He tells me.

"She's beautiful." The doctor walks over to us "Do you have a name for her?"

I look up at Brad to make sure we're both thinking the same and he nods "Shaelyn Nicole Pitt."

She fills out what she needs to on the birth certificate, then the nurse takes Shaelyn to do everything she needs to while Brad and I fill out what we need to. They leave, and give Shaelyn back to us so we can spend some time with her.

Brad hands her to me and takes a picture to send to everyone then sits with me in the bed "I love you." He kisses me "Both of you."

"We love you too."

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