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Tomorrow is Alex and Ashley's wedding, so tonight is the rehearsal dinner. So many different people are around the house as we all work on the finishing touches. Eventually we all sit around a big table outside to eat, some people give speeches, then we finish what we need to do and everyone leaves. Brad and I put Shay to bed before going to bed ourselves, thinking about the long day we have ahead of ourselves tomorrow.

"I can't belive they're already getting married." I tell Brad as I get ready for bed "They're so excited."

He gets into bed "Young love, it's cute." He pulls me closer to him when I lay down "The time since they've been dating has really been going fast. It's been like over a year."

"The past 10 months especially, it's crazy." I lay my head on his chest and he pulls the covers over us "I just hope they're as happy as they look."

(Instead of doing 2 parts I'm just going to skip to the next day/wedding.)

I wake up early with Brad and we go downstairs to get our breakfast ready before getting ready for the wedding.

"Try not to wake her when you go up." I tell Brad talking about Shay "I want her to sleep as long as she can."

He walks over to the table and hands me a coffee along with some food "I'm really happy for them, but I just want to sleep."

Just as we're about to finish eating Ashley walks in along with her friend, Lisa "Where should I put this?" She asks about her dress.

I get up and put my plate and cup in the sink "We can go up a while, we just can't be too loud." They follow me and we go up to our room where we start to get ready. We do each others hair and makeup, then all get dressed a while.

Ashley walks out while wearing her dress and stands in front of the mirror smoothing it out "I can't believe this is actually happening."

I walk over behind her and tie the back of her dress "You really look beautiful." We finish everything else we need to do and I get Shay from Brad and take her back to get ready "Can you please stand still?" I ask her as I try to get her dress on with no luck. Ashley holds her so I can get the dress on, then I take her downstairs and we wait for the ceremony to start. Brad and I walk down the aisle while I carry Shay as we follow their friends. We get to the end and take our spots while we wait for Ashley and her dad. The whole set up of the wedding is beautiful. while we're waiting, I look at everything. The white chairs with wedding color bows on the back, the matching posts with crystals dangling from them. I hear the music start up and watch as Ashley and her dad make their way down the aisle. Alex is looking at her with pure love, I've never seen him so in love. Once they get to the end her dad sits down and Ashley makes her way so she's standing across from Alex. They hold hands as they say their vows and exchange rings. I start to cry. Happy tears, of course, I'm just really happy for them. They kiss as they're pronounced married, and walk back down the aisle hand in hand. The rest of us follow before the guests and everyone gets pictures with them. We wait until the line cleared up and go with them to get a few pictures of just the wedding party in another part of the yard while the guests are at the reception.

"Let's get one of just the family." The photographer tells us pulling Brad and I towards Alex and Ashley "Jen, stand next to Alex and Brad next to you, and one of you hold Shay." We do so and the rest of the party gets individual pictures before we get more as a group.

We all stand in a line with Alex and Ashley in the middle, one of us all surrounding them, a few of them kissing and all of us to the side and for the last one all of us doing something different.

I walk next to Brad as he holds Shay's hands while she tries to walk around "They're so happy. Look at them." I point towards them as they socialize with the guests "I miss that."

He stops and picks Shay up and turns so he's looking at me a little worried "What do you mean you miss that?"

"Just the whole newlywed stage. I wouldn't change how we are now though, I love it." I kiss him sweetly and we start walking again "Let's have some fun now."

We go to the area where the reception is and watch as Alex and Ashley do their first dance, then all the other dances and wait until we get out food to eat.

Brad cuts up some of his chicken small and gives it to Shay to eat but she refuses "You need to eat something." He tells her handing the piece to her.

I take her and give her the chicken and she still refuses and screams at me "Do you want some of the potatoes?" I ask as I hand her my spoon with a little on and she struggles, but eventually gets it in her mouth "Well, at least she's eating something." I tell Brad and he agrees.

He takes his phone out and tells me to hold Shay where he can see both our faces "I want a picture before she gets all messy." He takes it then finishes eating "When can we put her to bed?"

I laugh knowing that it's not anytime soon "She's not going to sleep when she knows all these people are here. Maybe if we're lucky she'll get tired in a few hours."

Sherry comes over and takes Shay from us so we get up and dance for a little before going to meet some of their friends. We find one of Alex's friends that we know but haven't seen since we're married and talk to him for a while before we go to the bar.

"I'm glad we let them have it all at our house." I tell Brad "This way we don't have to worry about when we leave or what we drink."

He smiles, kissing me sweetly before separating "We do still have to make sure our daughter makes it to bed alive. You do know that, right?"

"Yes, I think I know that." I watch everyone as they're all having fun talking, dancing or just hanging out and smile "Today turned out a lot better than I thought it would."

"Really?" He asks

I turn so I'm facing only him "I don't know, I just thought something woukd happen, but I'm glad it's been good."

Please go read the last update of my story The Future Of Us if you haven't already :)

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