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From this point on it's in Jen's POV unless I say otherwise.

I wake up stretching out to Brad and notice that he isn't there. It's been 3 weeks since everything happened and he's always been there so I start to get a little worried. I grab my robe and walk down stairs where I see Brad yelling at someone at our door. Once I get closer I can hear and he's yelling at Angelina to leave. I walk up next to him and can see that he's clearly pissed off at her "What's going on?"

Brad wraps his arm around me gripping me pretty tightly "She stopped by and I was just telling her to leave."

Angelina looks over at me a little apologetically "I just want to say I'm sorry for everything that I've put you though. Also, it's not Brad's fault, I convinced him everything was okay. He tried to stop every time something would happen. I take full credit for everything that happened and I'd really appreciate it if it didn't get out for the media. I think that would be much easier for everyone."

I look back and forth between her and Brad shocked for a minute "It's the past, there's no need to take the blame, but thanks for being honest. I agree with the whole media thing."

Angie leaves and Brad pulls me into the living room where he gives me a bag "Open it."

I do so and find a dress, shoes and matching jewelry. I look up at him confused "What's this for?"

"I wanted to surprise you. I know our anniversary is next week, but we're going to be busy, so I thought we could celebrate it tonight." He pulls two tickets out of the bottom of the bag and hands them to me "Your dad told me he and Sherry did this once and they loved it so I thought we could try it."

I read the tickets and see that it's a private boat tour up the coast of California and that it leaves in 3 hours "So, you're saying I have a little over an hour to get ready?"

"Yeah." He laughs at me freaking out "Make sure you take a jacket and a blanket too, it might get a little windy."

I quickly get changed, do my hair and makeup, then grab everything I think I might need while Brad does the same. We drive to the pier then get on the boat where we eat our own private dinner as we look over the ocean.

"You look so beautiful." Brad says looking at me smiling "I have something for you." He pulls a ring box out of his pocket and hold my hands "I can't thank you enough for taking me back after what I've put you through. I'll never understand how I got lucky enough to have you. You're the most beautiful woman inside, and out. I've never met anyone with a heart as big as yours and I love everything about you. I can't wait to go on this next journey of our lives together, and I promise I'll be there for you through thick and thin." I opens the box revealing a diamond eternity band that matches my ring perfectly and puts it on my finger "I love you."

I wipe my tears away with my free hand and try to speak through my tears "I love you too, so much. I can't wait to see what happens in our future, as long as I'm with you."

After we eat we're sitting on the top of the boat staring out into the open water. The breeze is light, but enough to make us cuddle for warmth. Brad has his arms wrapped around me with both hands gently laying on my stomach reminding me of how much he already loves this baby.

"I want a girl." Brad says out of nowhere.

"What?" I ask trying to figure out what he means.

"The baby." He smiles "I want a girl. You've always been so good with them, you'd be amazing with our own. I also just kinda want a princess."

I laugh at the last thing. Looking out into the distance I think about what it will be like, girl or boy. "I think I want a girl too."

"You're going to be such a cute mom, especially when you have the cutest kid ever with you." He kisses me long and sweetly "And it will be the cutest kid because it has you as a mother and you're the most beautiful person ever." He stands up pulling me to my feet as he walks over to the radio putting a CD in with music from our wedding. As the song Two Steps Behind by Def Leppard comes on he pulls me closer and we start dancing.

I lay my head on his shoulder as he wraps his arms around me "This fits us so well. We really picked a good song for our first dance."

Whatever you do

I'll be two steps behind you

Wherever you go

And I'll be there to remind you it only takes a minute of your precious time to turn around, and I'll be two steps behind.

"I think of our wedding all the time, and thus song still gets me. I'll always be here for you, no matter what." He kisses my forehead as we continue dancing to the end of the song.

There's a magic running through your soul

but you, you can't have it all

Whatever you do

I'll be two steps behind you

wherever you go

and I'll be there to remind you

that it only takes a minute of your precious time to turn around and I'll be two steps behind. (Def Leppard, Two Steps Behind.)

"Thank you so much for all of this." I tell Brad once the song ends "I'm really lucky to have you."

He pulls me close to him kissing me "I would do anything for you."

As the boat docks and we're ready to get off Brad looks over at me "I have another surprise for you at home. I'm not sure how it'll go, but I hope you like it."

"Okay, now you're scaring me a little."I say getting in the car "Can you give me a hint?"

"One, but that's it. It's a person." He says as he starts driving home. I must've fallen asleep on the way because I wake up to Brad telling me we're home.

I walk in the house and right away see someone sitting on the couch. Once I realize who it is I stand there in shock before I walk over and hug her "Oh, my God, mom, I can't believe you're actually here!"

"I was hoping you would react like that." She hugs back for a while "Are you crying?"

I sit next to her wiping my tears away "Maybe a little." I laugh "I love this so much, getting to see you. Especially since we've worked everything out."

Brad sits next to me handing me a tissue "You guys need to stay happy like this now. We're family we're supposed to be together."

"Don't worry, it's all worked out now. We'll be happy." I look over at my mom smiling

She hands me a bag and a card "This is for you guys. Brad told me the news when he called to arrange this and I wanted to get something."

"You didn't have to do that." Brad says as he opens the card and we read it "Thank you."

"You're welcome!" She smiles and I can tell she's so happy to be here.

I open the bag and find a teddy bear and a blanket "This is so cute!"

We all sit talking for a while. Catching up on what we've missed with each other over ten years and things about the baby.

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