Don't be mad.

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"Jen," I hear Court as she walks in and sits next to me "Please don't be mad at me."

I realize why she said it and just shrug. She called Brad after I begged her not to "What did he say?"

"He's in the waiting room. He really wants to see you. I didn't tell him about the baby, just that you're here." She looks me in the eyes seriously "I know what he did was wrong, but this is his baby, and he is really worried about you."

"Can we be alone?" I ask and she nods then goes out to get Brad and he walks in a few minutes later.

Sitting on the chair next to my bed he is quiet for a few minutes. I can see how sorry he is. He finally breaks his silence "You have no idea how worried I was about you. What happened?" He asks holding back tears "Was it my fault?"

"Not really. You didn't know." I can't help but feel bad for making him worry like this. I know he didn't mean to hurt me and I want to know about what happened, but I need to tell him first.

Looking at me confused for a little he finally asks "What didn't I know?"

"I'm pregnant." I say then get silent for a minute. "I was going to tell you last night, but then everything happened."

"How far? Is the baby okay? Are you okay?" He keeps asking question after question "What does this mean for us?"

I laugh a little at his curiosity the answer his questions "A month and from what they said everything should be okay. I have to stay a little longer and they'll do an ultrasound to make sure." I look at him right in the eyes and hold his hand "I want to know what happened. Everything."

He looks at me and can tell that I'm serious, so he doesn't hold back. "When the movie first started we were just friends, I slowly started to notice her getting more comfortable around me, and against my will, the same thing happening to me. We started texting and talking late when we would be on set over night. There were times when I would have a bad day and she was there for me, and it was nice. I honestly didn't realize how far it was going until one day when we were filming a make out scene and we ended up doing the same in her trailer after it. I felt absolutely horrible, I couldn't believe I did it, but she kept convincing me that it was okay to do. We never did anything more than our make out sessions. I will never be able to forgive myself for this, but I believe in us, that we can get through this. We can come back stronger. I never loved her, Jen and I didn't like what happened either. I didn't want to do it, and it never felt right, but she tried to make it okay to do and now I never want to see her again"

I think about every word he says. Watching his expressions, and I know he meant every word of it. "I love you, Brad, and I always will. I'm still hurt by this. Even if you thought it was wrong you still went through with it. I can't imagine my life without you, I want to make it work, whatever we have to do."

He smiles all happy and leans in to kiss me and we stay there like that for a minute "I love you, and I'm so sorry."

"Just don't remind me of it." I smile kissing him back and moving over for him to lay next to me "So, will you come back home now? I don't really like being alone."

"I was hoping you would ask that." He wraps his arms around me and we lay like that until they come in to do the ultrasound.

"Have you had anymore pains?" The doctor asks getting everything ready.

"Nope, they went away after the first few. I guess I just needed to calm down a little."

"Stress really doesn't mix well with pregnancy." She starts to move the wand around and looks over at Brad "Are you the father?"

"Yeah, is everything okay?" He asks nervously

"I don't see any problems, but we'll need you to fill out discharge forms and make sure you know of signs to bring her back." She looks at the screen again "There's your baby."

I stare in amazement. Hours ago, I thought I had lost the baby, and now, here I am looking right at it. "Wow, that's amazing."

She finishes the ultrasound then I get dressed while Brad fills out all the forms. We go home and talk for hours just letting everything out. Just as I get up and say I'm going to bed he stops me "I've been thinking about it, and I think I'm going to drop out of the movie. I can't go back and be with her. I don't even want to think about her anymore."

"You don't have to do that." I walk back over and sit with him "You'll get so much backlash, I don't want to be the reason for it."

"The guilt from all of this is going to eat me alive. None of it is your fault, I don't want you to think that it is. If I have to suffer from it, then so be it." He turns everything off and we walk upstairs and get in bed "I want to be here for you from now on."

"It's all up to you." I lay down cuddled up to him and fall asleep quickly.

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