Almost there

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Brad and I are watching El and Coco today as practice since we only have a month left until the baby gets here.

Coco is crawling around on the floor playing with some of her toys and El is trying to help her play.

Brad walks in and sits next to me on the couch watching them with me "What are we going to do with them later?" He picks Coco up when she crawls over to him "They're going to get bored eventually."

"I was thinking we could do some things to decorate the nursery." I show him some ideas on my phone that I found online "These looked easy, at least El can do them and we can get Coco's hand print."

"Okay, well I was thinking about taking them out for ice cream or something, but that sounds good too." He plays on the floor with the girls for a while then sits back with me "Your turn."

I go in the kitchen and get the craft paper, paint, markers, crayons and other supplies out. I put a table cloth on the table and do anything else I need to before I get the girls and bring them into the kitchen. "Make sure your hands are clean so the project doesn't get messed up." I tell El and she goes to the sink and washes her hands then sits back down.

"What are we making?" She asks trying to see everything "Is it fun?"

I hand her a piece of paper and some pencil and crayons and tell her to draw whatever she wants until I get Coco in her highchair. Getting the instructions up on my laptop I show El what we're going to make "Do you want to do a silver or a purple one?" She tells me purple so I hand her a purple fabric like butterfly and help her put her handprints one on each of the big wings "Now you can decorate the rest of it." I hand her the butterfly and get a silver one for Coco.

"My hands are all glittery." El shows me how they're a mess.

Brad walks over and turns the sink on so she doesn't get it messy then holds her so she can reach it "When you're done we can go hang yours and Coco's up in the room."

I smile at their cuteness, I love how well they get along. Coco starts to try to get away so I quickly get her hands in the glitter and press it on the butterfly "Awe, your little hands are so cute!" I tell her causing her to smile and laugh a little. She starts swinging her arms around letting me know she wants out of her highchair so I take her over to the sink and wash her hands. "Okay, you're done, you can go back to playing." I put her on the floor and go over to El "Do you want to decorate Coco's too?"

She happily takes it from me and hands me hers "I'm done with this one."

"I'm love it!" I tell her as I take it and put it on the counter "Soon you and Uncle Brad can hang them up." I walk over to Brad who is making his own "That's cute."

He takes my hand and puts it in glitter then puts it on the blank wing "They might not match, but we made her so ours can be different." He hands me a wet paper towel to wipe off my hand then gives me the butterfly "I'm gonna go play with Coco."

I go back over to El and sit next to her watching her finish making Coco's butterfly "Do you like doing craft things like this?"

She puts a bunch of glitter around the edge to outline it "Yeah, I want her to see them."

"She will soon, in about a month or less." I help her finish then Brad takes Coco and we all go up to the nursery so Brad and El can hang the butterflies we've made.

Brad moves along the wall with the one that has our handprints on it and stops above the crib "Should this one go here?" He asks El.

She walks over closer to him so she can see what it looks like then decides it should. "It looks nice there." She tells him as she hands him the other butterflies and they decide where to put them.

"I'm gonna go feed and get Coco ready then we can do whatever you want." I tell El as I take Coco over to our bedroom. I give her a bottle so she can eat while I get dressed and watch her closely. Once I'm dressed and she's done eating I get the clothes out Court gave us and change her, then get her dressed. I walk back into the nursery where Brad and El are playing with some of the stuffed animal and stand and watch for a little before I put Coco down to play with them "El, you need to get dressed if we're going somewhere. You can't wear your pajamas."

She gets up and puts her animals back then walks towards the door "Can we go to the playground?" She asks me "Uncle Brad said it's okay with him." I tell her we can then she goes to change and I help Brad clean up what Coco was playing with.

"Are we walking or do you want me to drive?" Brad asks as he picks up Coco, shutting the lights off "Either is fine with me."

I follow him out of the room and down the steps where I get some snacks and drinks for us "I guess we can walk. It's only about 10 minutes away."

El comes down changed a few minutes later and we get ready to leave. I go through the bag that I packed and make sure we have mostly everything we need then make sure we have extra diaper and a bottle for Coco. I put the bags in the bottom part of the stroller and we leave. Brad pushes the stroller and I walk next to him, holding El's hand because of the paparazzi making both her and I nervous. We start walking faster so it's a little harder for them to get pictures and eventually we get to the park. I find a table and sit there where Coco can play in the grass around it and I watch as Brad plays with El.

Brad's POV

I push El on the swings as she tells me about how much fun she's having and that she's excited to have a little cousin while at the same time I watch Jen with Coco. El says she wants off so I stop pushing her and follow her over to the slides "What are you doing now?" I ask.

She starts to climb up the ladder steps and tells me to watch her as she goes over to the bars and stands at the edge looking across at them "Will you get me down if I want to stop?"

"Of course. I'm not going to let you fall." I walk over so I can stand next to her as she makes her way across. She gets to the end and puts her arms out so I can get her off the small equipment "You did really good!" I tell her making her smile as I put her down and she runs over to Jen.

She gets a water bottle from the bag Jen has and sits next to her "This is fun." She tells Jen about what she's been doing then gets back up and walks over to me "Can I go back over to the slides?" She asks.

"Sure, just be careful." I tell her as I pick up Coco "Are you coming with?" I ask Jen "You can leave the stuff here."

She gets up grabbing her phone for pictures and follows me over "El, do you want to take Coco with you? She'll like this."

El sits on the slide and I put Coco on her lap telling her to sit still for a minute so Jen can get a picture then I let them go and get Coco when they're at the bottom "She liked that!" El says as she goes back up and goes down a few more times then stops "I don't want to do that anymore." She tells Jen and I.

Jen walks back over towards the table with Coco "Do you want to get some icecream?" She asks El, and she agrees. We pack everything back up and start walking towards the icecream place. Coco ends up falling asleep in her stroller and El is starting to get tired so I go up and get out icecream then bring it back to the table.

Jen eats a little of hers then hands it to me "You can have the rest, I don't really want it."

"Are you okay? Yesterday you were saying you really wanted icecream." I look at her and notice she looks like she doesn't really feel good "Do you want to leave now and we can eat ours at home?"

"I just don't really want it." She thows it away when I tell her I don't either "I'm fine with whenever you want to go."

I tell El that we'll eat the rest at home and she gets up so we can start walking home. I tell them to keep close to the stoller as we walk through the paparazzi as they hopefully wont go after them then and when we get home Jen and Coco go to nap for a while and I take El home.

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