The difference between acting and reality.

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Brads pov.

Jen and I have been married for about 4 years now. I love her with all my heart, she's what keeps me going. Lately since I've been spending so much time on set of Mr and Mrs Smith with Angelina Jolie we've gotten really close. Close in a way I'm most sure if I like very much. I feel like I'm betraying Jen. Angie is just always here when I have a bad day or just need someone. We've been sneaking around occasionally having little make out sessions, and I feel bad about them, but she always says sweet things to get me to keep going. I've drawn the line at having sex with her. I couldn't imagine doing yet with anyone but my wife. Yesterday, though, it got very close.

Flashback to the day before

"Angie I should really be going." I manage to say between kisses.

She pins me down on the couch kissing me all over so I can't get up "Forget about her, I was here for you today, remember."

I let Angie undo my pants as I do the same to her then take her shirt off and flip us over. I know in my gut this isn't right. I shouldn't be doing it, I should stop, go home, and tell Jen. That's the right thing, but I could also stay here and have sex with Angie. I get up and sit on the side of the couch with my head in my hands "I can't do this. We're wrong, so wrong. I love my wife, I should be loyal to her, but instead I'm doing this. I have to go." I quickly get dressed and leave before she has a chance to say anything.

I get in my car driving home thinking about nothing but how bad I feel about all of this. We were so happy, hardly ever fought, always visited each other. I've ruined that. I never thought I could do anything to hurt Jen, she's my everything, but I let myself get manipulated by Angelina.

Once I get home I see Jen sitting on the couch, wrapped in a blanket watching TV.

I sit next to her and pull her on my lap. She asks me about my day then tells me a funny story about something that happened on set earlier. We sit quiet for a while then I finally break the silence "I'm sorry for everything I've done. Mostly for hurting you."

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