"Oh!" He mouths voiceless.

"I'm relieved to know you have a mate. You deserve to be happy." Alpha Franck tells him.

"Thank you, Alpha."

"I have a question Anna-Lynn. Anton is a werewolf. What's about his mate? I'm sorry if I'm rude it's just I don't see you like the kind of woman who will come between mates." Alpha Franck asks me.

"Anton was rejected by his mate. I never see someone so happy to be rejected. He could have kissed her just for that. " Alec says laughing. He calms down and adds:" She is a really nice girl and she is mated and happy now."

"I met Anton before he met her and we fell deeply in love. So deep that I've decided to leave him before it would become too painful for us. He knew I would never accept that he rejected his mate for me." I add.

"This is why he was relieved she did it. There is nobody else for him but Lilly." Alec says.

Gosh, I miss him even if he has to be a stupid jerk lately.

"We have to go back to your pack Alpha." I say changing the subject, feeling nostalgic.

"You know you can stop using my title. We are beyond that now that you save my life and that I know you're superior to me. That makes you my Queen." He replies.

"Don't call me that!"

"But it's what you are. You will have to accept that. I think the Moon Goddess sends you here to be our leader."

"Constantinos thinks the same thing. I have only a few years left I don't want to lose it leading other people."

"But it's already what you are doing my queen." He retorts.

"Whatever!" I say annoyed. Alistair and Alec laugh.

As we say our goodbyes I can see Alpha Franck is reluctant to leave so earlier. He wants to spend more time with Noah as he just met him. He tries to not show it to Noah but we can easily see the sadness in his eyes.

"Father." Alistair tells him after he finished to hug Noah.

"Thank you for letting me play with your son. He is an awesome kid, you have to be very proud. I hope I will meet him again but I know today was already unexpected. We were so stupid and I know that what I could say will not made up for what we did. I am just happy to see you like that. I'm so proud of you. If you need anything you know where to find me."

"You will meet him again. I swear, just give me some time. For mom it's another story, knowing how stubborn she is I don't think she will ever accept Meli." Alistair says sadly. He is important for him too to have their approval.

"I'm working on that son. I have something for you. Bella helped me to bring it." Alpha Franck says giving a small box to Alistair.

"What's that?"

"My grandmother wedding's ring. My grandfather made it himself. She would have loved you and Melinda. When I was young she used to tell me that our family, we were too proud and if we weren't more careful it would lead us to our fall. She was a free spirit like you. She gave me that ring after my grandfather's death and told me I would know when and at who I should give it."

"Wow! Thank you!"

"It's my wedding gift for you. I hope Melinda will like it."

"I love it! Thank you!" Says Meli jumping in his arms. That's surprised him but he looks happy. He doesn't know her yet but it's how she is.

"See you soon dad." Alistair adds hugging his father.

"I love you son."

"Me too."

Another endOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant