I stood in front of the doors of the dining hall. I looked around anxiously, everyone else had already gone to Hogsmeade.

My heart skipped a beat as I heard footsteps approaching, in walked, Ron. He smirked at me and shook his head, "Did you believe Malfoy wanted to spend time with you?" He scoffed and chuckled.

"At least he wanted to sleep with me," I bark. Ron's eyes widen and then furrow in confusion.

"What are you talking about?" He asks nervously.

It's my turn to scoff, "You know exactly what I'm talking about. Now, please leave me alone I'm waiting for someone."

"He won't show up, Hermione. Spending the day with you would be a waste of time," He spits at me. I roll my eyes but before I can reply, someone else does.

"No, Ronald. Spending time with Hermione isn't a waste of my time. Standing here with you, is," Malfoy interjects, walking up to us. He stands square against Ron, daring him to say another word.

Ron gulps and walks away without another word. Once he's out of view, I turn to Draco.

"Thank you," I mutter.

"Don't worry about it. If he knows what's good for him, he'll stop bothering you," He says darkly. I smile at Draco, receiving a slight smirk back.

"Shall we?" He says, motioning for us to begin the walk to Hogsmeade.

The second we arrived in Hogsmeade, I dragged Draco to Tomes and Scrolls

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The second we arrived in Hogsmeade, I dragged Draco to Tomes and Scrolls. They had started selling muggle romance books and so far, I've been hooked.

"What about this one?" Draco said, showing me a sci-fi book about aliens.

"No, Draco. We're looking for romance books. Not, sci-fi," I smile and roll my eyes. Draco smirks at me.

"You know I have no idea what you're talking about. Either way, the romance section is so small. I'm sure you've read all of these books many times," He combats.

I chuckle, "You never know, they might have a new one that I haven't noticed."

"Sure enough. What's your favorite one so far?" He asks, picking up a random book.

"Um, it was about this boy and this girl. They didn't like each other at first but then ended up falling in love after getting to know each other," I ramble mindlessly.

"Sounds familiar," Draco mutters.

My head snaps to him, "What?"

"Nothing, it sounds interesting. Maybe you could lend it to me?" He asks. I try to mimic his smirk.

"Are you into romance, Draco?" I smile.

A faint blush appears on Draco's cheek as he looks away, "I've never really read a romance novel, I just want to see why you like it so much."

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