chapter ten

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My thoughts were filled only with thoughts of her

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My thoughts were filled only with thoughts of her. How was I supposed to get my mind off of her? She was gorgeous. Her long brown hair cascaded past her shoulders, barely touching her mid-back. Sparkling emerald green eyes that I couldn't seem to find my way out of. 

Everything about her completely enthralls me, nothing could possibly keep my attention this long except for her. 

"Theo, do you understand what I'm saying?" She speaks softly. My eyes follow every word her beautiful plump lips mutter.

"Yeah, I completely understand," I subconsciously answer. 

She huffs, a sound so delicate I can't help the slight smile that comes to my lips. She mutters, "If you understand then what are the steps to making Amortentia?"

"Go out with me," I mutter quickly. She rolls her eyes and scowls at me. 

"Seriously, Theo? You already know my answer. And next time come up with something better, who doesn't know how to make Amortentia?" She says, packing all of her things up. 

"Please, I'm begging you. Just one date, let me show you the time of your life," I plead. She gets up and smiles at me. 

"Sorry, Theo. I'll see you around, okay?" She says sweetly. Her rejection doesn't phase me. I've grown used to its constant appearance in our conversations. 

I watch her retreating figure. Large and round hips swaying back and forth, entrancing me as the bell rings for our next class. I realize, I'm completely in love with her. 

The walk to the next few classes are spent searching for even a glimpse of her. I've focused on my studies, but still she hovers in the back of my mind. All I want is her and I will get her. 

The next time I see her, she is hurriedly walking to the Great Hall. Nothing is able to stop her from reaching the Great Hall. I pick up my pace just to keep up with her. 

I try to act cool as I enter the Hall. One quick glance around the room and I can spot her laughing with her friend. I involuntarily let out a sigh, her smile is the most beautiful thing I have seen. I take my seat next to Draco and Blaise. 

"I personally think Beans on toast is a delicious delicacy," Goyle says. I roll my eyes and make eye contact with Blaise and Draco. We laugh.

"Where have you been, Theo?" Draco asks. 

"I was just walking from class, you know," I say. They don't know. Neither of them do and I probably won't tell them. If they knew, it would only cause problems for me. 

"Well, please enlighten us on your opinions on beans on toast," Blaise asks. Goyle rolls his eyes and talks to another Slytherin I don't know. 

"It's a shit combination. We all know it," I reply. The rest of lunch is practially the same. Constant glances in her direction, noticing small things about her, like how she wears the same purple bracelet. 

I hope that one day, I can replace that bracelet with another one. One that I give her. 

who do you think she is?

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who do you think she is?

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