chapter three

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I feel the tears flowing down on my face before I realize that they are

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I feel the tears flowing down on my face before I realize that they are. The intense feeling is desiderium hit me like a shock wave. I want more, I need more, I deserve more than this.

Overwhelmed by emotion, I grab the blanket from the basket and lie down with it. I let myself release all of the emotions that have been building up within me.

When I finally stop crying, my eyes feel heavy as they droop. Having no more energy, I allow them to close and drift off to sleep.

My blood was boiling with fury as I walk into the only place I knew I will truly be alone

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My blood was boiling with fury as I walk into the only place I knew I will truly be alone. I tried to go to the Slytherin common room and then into the boys dorms but everyone would just bother me by asking if Granger and I actually slept together.

We did, we slept together and the worst part is, she's pregnant. I'm not as cruel as to ask her to get an abortion, but I'm not mentally prepared for a baby.

I look at the room with the silver and green rug and the couch with a red blanket. I could tell someone else was in here and I huffed in frustration. At least, it was only one person this time.

I take my wand out and poke the person under the blanket. They groan and ignore me. I poke once more and they uncover themselves. Laying on the couch, is Hermione Granger in all her glorious beauty.

Although her beauty is captivating, it disrupts my need for absolute solitude, "Granger..., you're here" It seems as if you can't be alone anywhere at Hogwarts.

Hermione looks up at me and I take her in. Her hair is an absolute mess and her eyes are red and puffy. Overall, she's a mess.

The annoyance slowly drifted to concern as I asked, "Are you okay?" She sits up, sighs, and rubs her nose with the back of her pointer finger.

"I'm fine, I'm just feeling stressed," She says sadly.

I sit next to her and reply, "Stress isn't good for the baby."

"Ugh, Malfoy, I know. But, I just need a therapist," She says. I feel bad for the dispiriting comment.

I tap my lap and say, "I could be your therapist for the day." She ignores the flirty undertone and just lies her head on my lap. I smirk at the memory of us being in this same position only days ago, except that time was much more explicit.

My hand starts to involuntarily rake through her tangled hair as I mutter, "Tell me what's wrong."

"Ron was cheating throughout our whole relationship," Granger nutters without missing a beat. I roll my eyes at the mention of that squalid weasel.

"Ignore that Weasel. You've spent enough time playing house with that little boy. It's time for you to find an actual man that will treat you right," I say. Those words are risky and intense. But, she needs to hear them.

"You're right," She agrees, "Another thing is, I'm pregnant." I knew this dreaded topic would come up but we need to have this conversation and it has to happen sooner than later.

"Listen, Granger, I want to be in my child's life," I admit. She's silent for a moment then looks up at me. We make eye contact and revel in my confession.

"No adoption or abortion? Then that's something we can agree on," She states. I let out a breath that I hadn't realized I was holding.

We look into each other's eyes and I notice the hurt, sadness, and reassurance in her eyes. My blood boiled at the thought that she was feeling all this because of that slimy weasel. I wanted to wipe that smug grin off his face with my fist.

"I won't let Weasel hurt you anymore," it slips out before I realize what I have just said. Her cheeks blush a light pink and I look away as I feel mine start to burn up.

She sits up and I lie my legs on the couch behind her. Her eyes take my body before landing on my eyes. I reach a hand out for her and she takes it. My heart swells at the blatant trust she is displaying.

I pull her on top of me and she allows me to. Making herself comfortable by laying her head on my chest. I wrap my arm loosely around her waist as she does to mine.

Soon, she falls asleep on my chest. I look at her, elysian. She's absolutely perfect. I've known this and I've known this since our first year here. But, I was told to hate her, so I did.

Now, looking at her laying in there in a peaceful slumber, the only word I could use to describe her is elysian.

A wave of exhaustion hit me. So much has happened in such a short time. My body and mind both can't keep up with what is going on around me.

I lean my back against the pillow on the sofa and start to fall asleep.

I lean my back against the pillow on the sofa and start to fall asleep

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