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Hermione's brown hair flitted through in the air as she walked to the familiar cafe in Hogsmeade

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Hermione's brown hair flitted through in the air as she walked to the familiar cafe in Hogsmeade. She adjusted the sunglasses on her face as the morning sun pierced through the trees. She held the book she had bought at Tomes and Scrolls tighter in her hand.

The door to the cafe suddenly opened and out walked three fourth year students, happily chatting and laughing together. She eyed them enviously, longing for the friendship she, Harry, and Ron used to have.

If only Ron and her hadn't started dating, if only that horrid kiss didn't happen. Then, there wouldn't be tension between the three of them. They would all still be the best of friends, they would still be the golden trio that the wizarding world knows.

Instead, Harry continuously worries about offending the other when Ron and Hermione have a fight. And now that it seems like Hermione has run out of love for Ron, what is she supposed to do? Break up with Ron and create more tension than before? What if she not only lost Ron but also Harry?

Hermione sighed and stepped into the warm and cozy cafe, scanning the room for the few customers that are there. Her eyes stop on a table in the corner, sitting with his flaming red hair, Ron Weasley. He rubs his hands on his pants and looks down at the cup sitting on the small round table.

After realizing he hadn't noticed her, Hermione inched closer and closer, sitting at a table close enough so that Ron's muttering was in earshot. She adjusted the red beanie on her head, lowering it to cover her brown hair as much as she could.

She sat there for what felt like an eternity before the door opened once more. Draco Malfoy walked in, a confused and angry look on his face. He looked around, eyes lingering on Hermione before setting his sight on Ron.

He sauntered over to Ron, confidence oozing off of his tall and lean figure. Draco had gained muscle since the war, his shoulders were broad, biceps bulging out of the unifrom shirt he was wearing. His platinum blond hair had gotten longer, stopping right above his shoulders. His bangs lay slightly in his face, Draco's hand swiftly moved them to the side, causing Hermione to involuntarily emit a sigh.

Draco walked straight up to Ron's table, standing at the seat across from him. He crosses his arms against his chest before saying, "What do you want, Weasley?" Hermione looks away and down at the book, which she had to an empty page.

"I wanted to talk," Ron stated, looking up at Draco from his seat. Draco rolled his eyes, pulled out a seat and sat.

"Speak. I don't have time for whatever this is," Draco impatiently said. Ron nodded and sat up in his chair, he looked down at the coffee and stared at it for a few moments.

"I wanted to ask you for a small favor," Ron answered, causing Draco to huff in annoyance.

"Get to the point or else I'm leaving, Weasely," Draco puffed. Ron's eyes widened, he seemed a little alarmed at this.

"Well, the favor isn't normal to ask, but, would you sleep with me?" Ron quickly replied. Hermione's eyes widened as she looked down at the book quickly. Draco was silent eyes as wide as the moon.

Draco let a chuckle out in disbelief, "You want me to do what?"

"Sleep with me," Ron stated simply. Hermione looked up at him but Ron was looking down at the table. He was nervously fidgeting with the mug.

"Aren't you and Granger dating? Why could you possibly want to sleep with me?" Draco asked, leaning back in his seat.

"We are dating, but I like guys and girls. And I want to explore with guys more. Also, Hermione's sort of a, wet towel. No fun at all," Ron admitted. Draco and Hermione's eyes widen at both of the confessions he had just made.

"Well, Weasley, Granger wasn't much of a wet towel last night," Draco stated, smirking at the thought of last night's events. Hermione's eyes widen as her head snapped to Draco. Her heartbeat started quickening, anticipating Ron's reaction.

Ron sat up once more and asked, "What are you implying, Malfoy?" Draco smirked and looked at Ron, tilting his head slightly to the side.

"I'm saying that Hermione and I had a lot of fun last night. I would go into detail but, it's a little too explicit," Draco repeated. Ron looked at Draco for a second before his face scrunched up slightly in anger.

"You slept with my girlfriend, Malfoy?" Ron muttered, anger underlying the rough tone of his voice.

Draco nods, "Yes, I did. What's the problem? You wanted to sleep with me." Hermione felt a rush of nausea hit her as she imagined all the damage this would do.

She regretted it, sleeping with Malfoy and more importantly cheating on Ron. It didn't matter that she and Ron had run out of love with each other, it didn't mean she could cheat on him.

"Malfoy, get out of my sight before I hex you into oblivion," Ron says, hand loosely wrapping around his wand.

Draco smirks and taunts Ron, "What? You don't want to sleep with me anymore?" Ron's hand wraps tighter around his wand and Draco takes that as his sign to leave. As he gets up, he makes direct eye contact with Hermione, who is sitting behind Ron, he smirks and walks out of the cafe.

Hermione sits frozen, watching Ron's silhouette. She jumps as Ron bangs his fist on the table muttering, "For fucks sake Hermione. Gosh, that unfuckable bitch." He gets up and leaves the cafe.

Hermione can't help the hurt she feels by Ron's words, but it's not as bad compared to the hurt Ron must be feeling. She closes her book and walks out of the cafe, forgetting all about the warm drink she wanted from there.

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