chapter five

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The morning sun's rays passed through the curtains, shining on my face

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The morning sun's rays passed through the curtains, shining on my face. I rubbed my eyes and yawned. I looked around at the rest of the beds in the room. Everyone seemed to still be asleep, including Ginny.

I got out of my bed and brushed my hair. I put on my uniform but didn't bother with anything else, since we didn't have classes today.

The Gryffindor dormitory is quiet as I head to the common room. The mostly empty space is disrupted by the familiar flaming red hair of Ron Weasley.

"Hey Ron," I say, standing behind him. He sits, staring at the flames of the fire.

His head snaps at me, seemingly terrified by my sudden appearance, "Hermione, hey."

"What are you doing down here alone?" I ask him.

He shrugs and says, "Thinking..., about us. What happened to us?"

I sigh deeply before answering, "We fell out of love for each other. We simply stopped loving each other and instead of admitting it, we ignored it and just cheated on each other."

"Hermione, I never stopped- please come sit down, I'm not going to bite," He warily mumbles. I hesitate but end up sitting down next to him.

"As I was saying, Hermione, I never stopped loving you! I still love you!" He claims.

"Ron you cheated on me multiple times throughout our relationship. That's not love," I plead.

He scoffs and says, "Don't act as if you didn't cheat with Malfoy."

"I did, and that was wrong. But I only did it one time and I regret it. But, it would be stupid for either of us to overlook the fact that, I did it because I'm just not in love with you," I plead once more.

"Hermione, I do love you. I'm in love with you, please let's fix this!" Ron says.

I shake my head, "No, Ron." I get up and start walking away.

"Of course. You're just gonna run away from this conversation huh?  You're going to ignore that I am confessing my love to you but if Malfoy were to say the same thing I'm saying, you throw yourself at him," Ron scoffed.

I turn back around and reply, "No, Ron. If Malfoy confessed to me like this, I wouldn't throw myself at him. I would reject him because it makes no sense that he would have feelings for me!" I snarl at him.

"You know what, you're right Hermione. You're a literal slut. Good luck finding anyone else that would want you!" He bites back. His comment hurt but I ignored it. He wanted me to care.

I walked back upstairs and tried to ignore the constant pain I was feeling due to Ron's comment. Instead, I laid on my bed and waited for Ginny to wake up.

Once she did, she freshened up in the bathroom and then sat on my bed, "What's up?"

"Ron and I had a conversation. He kept saying he is in love with me and I kept telling him no. We both cheated on each other, I don't think we're in love," I gossip.

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