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*smut warning *
Randy looks at Deacon for a second before he begins to speak, "You know David I like you. You make my daughter happy and you treat my granddaughter like she's your own child. It takes courage to do what you did. So yes, you can marry my daughter."

Relief washes over Deacon.

"Thank you, sir."

They quickly change the topic when they see the ladies heading back to the table.

"Are you ok, " Deacon asks, looking at Savannah.

"I'm fine, I just caught a whiff of something that doesn't seem to agree with me." She replied.

The check soon comes and Deacon pays for it.

 Soon they get up to leave. Hugging their daughter before they leave they tell the couple congratulations once again.

 Walking to the car Deacon helps Savannah in before leaving. Savannah soon realizes that they are not headed back to his house.

"Wait, where are we headed, " she asks.

"Well, while we were in the restaurant I got a message from Street explaining that he booked us a hotel room in some fancy suite. Something about us needing to relax." Deacon replied.

"Really, the last time we relaxed, I ended up getting pregnant. What about the kids."

"They are going to help watch them with Daisy, and don't act like you didn't enjoy that night."

Savannah just looks away knowing that he was right.

Pulling up to the hotel, Deacon parks the car and they head inside to check-in. 

Getting their room key, they head up to one of the top floors. 

Walking into the room they are shocked at what they see. 

Walking through the suite Savannah finds herself in love with the bathtub.

Walking through the suite Savannah finds herself in love with the bathtub

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An idea crosses her mind. Running some hot water to let the tub fill up, Savannah walks out of the bathroom to find Deacon standing looking around before she drags him to the bathroom. 

Kicking off her shoes she begins to take off her dress and jewelry and gets in the tub.

"Well are you just going to stand there or are you going to join me, " she asks looking up at Deacon.

Once she said that he quickly begins to take off his shirt and shoes while Savannah worked on his belt and pants. 

Left only in his boxer briefs he takes those off and joins her. 

Deacon moves Savannah forwards that he can position himself behind her to where she would lay against his chest.

"They're right, you know. We needed this." She tells him.

Second chances ( David "Deacon" Kay)Where stories live. Discover now