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It's been about a month since Deacon and Savannah went on their first date and the two of them have been on a handful of dates.

 Both Deacon and Savannah are much happier than they have been for the longest time. 

Tonight Madisyn is spending the night with Daisy so Savannah can cook for Deacon.

As the team gets prepared to serve a high-risk search warrant, Luca notices that Deacon seems to be in a really good mood. 

Wanting to know what's got his friend in such a good mood here recently, he decides to ask, "What's got you in such a good mood here lately?"

Deacon guessed it was time to tell the team says," I have been seeing someone for the past month."

That gets everybody's attention and the questions start to come in.

"Where did you meet her?"

"How old is she?"

"Is she hot?"

"Does she know you were married and have kids, does she make you happy?"

"So you took mama's advice I see." everyone asks at the same time.

Deacon chuckles at his teammates and answers their questions.

" She's Matthews's teacher. I met her when I had to have a meeting about his behavior. She's thirty, yes, she knows about the kids and Annie. She's a single mother and a widow herself. Yes, I decided to take your mother's advice and really street. She is incredibly beautiful. She doesn't have to smile to know that she's happy, you can see it in her eyes. Her name is Savannah. She and her daughter were at the bank that was held up last month. Her daughter was shot."

"Hold on, is that why you wanted to go to the hospital so bad," Street asks.

"Yeah, I just wanted to make sure Madisyn and Savannah were ok"

"So when are you going to see her again? " Chris asks.

"She's actually invited me over tonight so she can cook for me. I know I have only known her for a month, but I haven't felt this happy since Annie."

Hearing how happy he is the team decides to finish getting ready so they can head out to black Betty.

Getting out of the car Savannah heads inside with the groceries that she needs to cook with for tonight. 

Walking into the kitchen, she sits the groceries on the counter before heading out to find Maddi and Daisy.

 Going up to Madisyn's room, she sees them having a tea party. Deciding to join them, they have fun until it's time for Savannah to start getting ready.

After a long day at work, Deacon quickly heads home so he can get ready for tonight. Heading inside his house he is greeted by the kids and Judy. All the kids go back to playing as Judy talks to Deacon.

"You seem pretty happy nowadays. Am I going to be able to meet this girl one day?"

"Maybe soon, I will talk to her about it."

"Alright, go and get ready. Do you know what time you will be back?"

"I don't actually, I was thinking you could maybe stay in the guest room just in case I come back late?"

"That's fine with me. Now go and get ready."

He quickly takes a shower and gets ready. Heading back downstairs, he tells Judy and the kids bye and heads over to Savannah's house.

 Deacon quickly arrives at Savannah's house gets out and walks up to the door.

 Knocking on the door he waits a minute, then looks up at the now setting sun. A few seconds later the door opens to reveal Savannah. 

She quickly invites him in. Deacon looks around and can smell that she has been cooking before he looks at Savannah and his heart stops.

 Deacon looks around and can smell that she has been cooking before he looks at Savannah and his heart stops

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Savannah gives Deacon a kiss before leading him to the kitchen where she was cooking.

"I hope you're hungry?"

"I'm starved, what's on the menu for tonight?"

"It's going to be baked chicken with a few herbs and spices, some grilled corn and some potatoes."

"Sounds good,"

"I know I don't drink that much anymore, but I also got a bottle of wine. I figured one or two glasses wouldn't hurt. Well, the food is almost done. Do you want to eat in the dining room or on the patio?"

"It's nice out so why don't we eat on the patio."


Deacon helps her take everything out to the patio where they begin to eat.

Taking a bit of the chicken Deacon moans in delight. 

Quickly washing it down with some wine he tells her this is the best food he has had in a long time. 

Savannah smiles and thanks him. 

They begin talking about their days as they eat.

After eating dinner Savannah and Deacon slowly finish off what's left of the wine before they move to a different part of the patio.

After eating dinner Savannah and Deacon slowly finish off what's left of the wine before they move to a different part of the patio

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As they lay down they look at the stars before Savannah turns to him and says," you know I can't let you leave right. You've had way too much to drink."

"I know, Annie's mom really wants to meet you. She sees how happy you've made me. I told her I would talk to you about it."

"Maybe one day we can all meet at the diner for lunch."

"I'll let her know that."

As they lay there looking into each other's eyes, they both feel something.  A desire to feel loved.

 Deacon quickly leans in and kisses her. 

Savannah momentarily, forgets where she was, climbed on top of him, never once breaking the kiss.

Before things could get too heated she quickly breaks the kiss and says, "Wait,"

Looking back at her with lust in his eyes he asks what's wrong.

" It's just my neighbors are really nosey so I think we should take this to the bedroom" she said back with the same amount of lust in her eyes.

Deacon stands up and helps her up and they quickly make their way to her bedroom locking the door behind them.

Second chances ( David "Deacon" Kay)Where stories live. Discover now