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Rage filled inside Caroline," That boy is my son. Who do you think told my husband to sleep with my Crazy ass Half sister? I wasn't about to waste any money on a bastard baby like they did."

" Well, you, see shortly after Luke was born, your sister was sent to a mental institution to get help. While she was there she said some pretty interesting things. Things like you drugged her then threatened your husband if he didn't have sex with her. She also said that when she woke up the next day she tried to end it, but you drugged her once again and keep her tied up to a bed for nine months. I want to show you something that was sent to me. See these photos these are of your sister's wrist and ankles when she arrived at the institution. You see those marks, it's like she was somehow tied up for that to happen to her skin. We know she recently got released from the institutionI. I'd be very careful about what you say next."

" I don't know what you are talking about. She's crazy, "

"Oh, give it up to Caroline" William finally says. " Everything he said is true. Caroline could never have kids so she came up with this crazy idea herself. Lisa wasn't always crazy what she did to her drove her to be crazy. One night Caroline drugged Lisa and told me to go up there and have sex with her. When I refused and told her she was crazy, she pulled a gun out and pointed it at me. I regret doing it to this day. I visited Lisa after she had Luke and she told me she was happy she didn't end it, that when she got to hold him that once before they took him away, she fell in love with him. I still talk to her sometimes, if you guys are thinking that she did this she will only trust me. I can try to get her to meet me somewhere and talk."

"Alright, we will have you wear a wire and Mrs. Peterson you are under arrest."

After getting wired and calling Lisa to set up the meet. William heads to the park where they will meet. Sitting down on a bench, he sees Lisa walking up. Standing, William greets Lisa. They sit down and begin to talk.

"So how have you been Lisa?"

"I've been better."

"You know Luke's birthday just passed. What did you do?"

"I went to see his grave. His wife was there." she says with disdain on the last part.

"You know it's not her fault he died right."

"She could have stopped him from going to work that day. It doesn't matter now. Talking about it won't bring him back, and let's just say it's Savannah's turn to feel the pain I felt."

"What did you do"

"I paid some random thug to go and get my beautiful granddaughter. Relax I'm not going to hurt her. This gives me a chance to be a mother again."

After hearing what they needed to hear Hondo and the team minus Deacon run-in and arrest Lisa.

Lisa looks at William in shock and yells at him, " how could you do this to me?"

"I'm doing it for my granddaughter."

"That bitch killed my son. She doesn't deserve to be a mother."

"No Lisa a drunk driver killed Luke."

Hondo takes Lisa in for questioning.

"So Lisa I need you to tell me where Madisyn is. A lot of people are worried about her."

Lisa scoffs

 "Well can you tell me who you hired to take Madisyn."

"Gavin Franks,"

"I'll be right back."

Walking out he tells Street lookup, Gavin Franks.

"I got an address "

"Let's go get him"

Leaving headquarters the team speeds off in black Betty where they soon pull up to Gavin's house. " Street tan take the back, Luca Chris with me."

Heading inside, they see Gavin running through the back.

"Tan, Street, he's heading your way." Hondo tells them.

When he gets out the back door, Street takes him down and tells him he's under arrest.

Back at headquarters, they begin to question Gavin.

"So you like kidnapping kids for cash?"

"I didn't kidnap any kid."

"Lisa woods paid you to kidnap a little girl for her."

"I don't know a Lisa woods."

"Maybe this will help with your memory."

"Her, no she paid me to get her kid back

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"Her, no she paid me to get her kid back. She told me her daughter had been kidnapped and the police weren't doing anything. If you don't believe me, I recorded the entire conversation on my phone."

After listening to the conversation they tell him if he testifies against Lisa they would tell the D .A he cooperated with them to see about some sort of deal. Gavin agrees to testify against Lisa.

"Well, Lisa, your little buddy that you lied to and paid to kidnap Madisyn is going to testify against you. And with the conversation you had with him was knowingly recorded, it should hold up well in court. So I'm going to ask you one last time where is Madisyn?"

Lisa finally gives them the address.

Back at the hospital everyone finally made it to Savannah's room.

"Sweetie, I'm so sorry I let this happen" Daisy says.

"Stop it's not your fault. I do have some news to tell you later though.  That goes for you guys too." she says, looking at her parents.

"Good news I hope." Catherine asks.

"Great news," Deacon says.

Everybody sits there talking when someone knocks on the door.

"Come in,"

"Sorry to interrupt the party, but I think we may have something that belongs to you." Hondo says. "Bring it in." he yells.

"MOMMY!" Madisyn yells, as Luca carries her into the room and sits her on the bed.

"These are for you mommy." she says as she hands Savannah a bouquet of flowers.

Crying, Savannah hugs Madisyn and tells her that they are beautiful.

"I was scared Mommy. That lady said a lot of mean things about you and daddy David."

The moment she said daddy David, Savannah started sobbing.

No hate to Sandra Bullock what so ever. I also wanted Sheri Moon Zombie to play Lisa because that woman can play crazy well.

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