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( Just a couple things I want to say before you start reading. Yes, I know Annie gave birth to Victoria after brain surgery. But I also wanted to add her in this and she will be a little older. Second, I couldn't remember the third kid's name or Annie's mom's name so I made them up. Third, I want to give a big thanks to Ronna Sweeney as this is my first story and all the help I got.)

While driving home, Deacon thought about how he was going to talk to Matthew about his behavior at school.

He felt guilty for not being home and having to work all the time. Deacon knew that his kids missed their mother.

Matthew, the oldest, understood what was going on. Lila understood what was going on. Still, she never asked because she knew to talk about her mother would upset her dad.

Little Parker and Victoria just wanted to know when their mommy was coming home.

Deacon not having the heart to tell them she wasn't just said, " she's keeping the angel's company. Still, you will see her one day."

Happy that she was with the angels, they eventually stopped asking.

Stopping at a red light, he looked over at a park that Annie used to take the kids to that they loved so much, making a mental note to take them there when he wasn't working one day.

As the light turned green, he started driving and soon reached his house.

Deacon got out of his car and walked inside to only to meet Annie's mom, Judy. Judy had helped in any way she could.

When Deacon was at work, she would watch Parker and Victoria while also picking up Matthew and Lila from school. Deacon was thankful for Judy.

"How did the meeting go with Matthews's teacher?" Judy asked.

Deacon sighed, "Better than expected. He's not social or participating in group activities. She was just worried."

"Did you tell her about Annie?"

"Yes, she understood."

"What do you mean?"

"She's a widow herself as well as a single mother."

"Bless her heart. What are you going to do about Matthew?" Judy replied.

"I'm going to talk to him and maybe see about the counseling Mrs. Peterson recommends." Deacon replied.

"David, I'm going to tell you something, and I want you to listen to me. I don't think Matthew is the only one who needs to speak to someone. Have you thought about joining a grief support group? It has helped me come to terms with losing Annie." Judy responded

"Grief support, huh? I guess I will look into it," said Deacon.

"Well, considering how late it is, I'm going to head to bed. Good night, David, see you tomorrow. Oh, before I forget, there are some leftovers for you."Judy said.

"Good night, Judy, thank you."

Heading into the kitchen, Deacon looked to find some leftover chicken and Mac and cheese.

While waiting for his food to heat up, he found himself drifting back to Savannah. He couldn't believe how beautiful she was.

Shocked to learn she was a widow and a single mother at such a young age baffled him. She couldn't be any older than 25, he thought to himself.

The timer he had set went off, interrupted his thoughts about the teacher he had stuck on his mind.

Taking his food to the table, he sat down and said grace before he started eating.

When he finished, he took his plate back to the kitchen and washed it.

Heading into the den, Deacon knew Lila would be in asleep or reading a book. Standing Quietly, he thought to himself and admired how she looks like her mother.

Feeling the presence of another person, Lila looked up from her book," Daddy, you're home."

"I am. How was your day? Did you get your homework done?" Deacon said.

"It was a good day, daddy, and yes, I got it done," Lila said in a sleepy voice.

"Well, alright, I'm going to check on Parker, Victoria, and Matthew, but I want you to start getting ready for bed soon, ok?"

"Alright, daddy."

After checking on Parker and Victoria, Deacon decided it was time to talk to Matthew. Walking to his oldest son's room, he knocked on the door.

"Hey buddy, can we talk a second?"


"So I talked with Mrs. Peterson today, and she's very worried about you. She says you're not participating in group activities or not being social. What's going on, bud? Is it because you miss your mom?"

Matthew looked up at Deacon with sad eyes.

"It isn't just about mom. You're always working now. What happens if you get hurt on the job? What happens if you don't come home because of your job? What would we do without you? I can't lose another parent."

Matthew starts crying as Deacon looks at him sadly.

Deacon responded and said," Look, I know my job is dangerous. I knew it was dangerous the day I married your mother. She had those same fears for ten years, but guess what? I'm still here, and I still come home. I'm not going to lie, I miss your mother every day, but I have to be strong for your kids. I will tell you what, I will make you a deal. When you go back to school on Monday, you start talking to the school counselor, and I will find a support group that grandma Judy told me about, deal?"


"Alright, start getting ready for bed, ok."


After having a good talk with Matthew, Deacon decided he was going to look up grief support groups he found at the church he attends.

Looking for when the next meeting is, he sees it's tomorrow morning.

Deciding to give it a try, he calls Judy to see if she can watch the kids.

Happy to hear that David was going to try the grief support; she said she would be glad to watch the kids.

Deacon looked at the clock and sighed. He got up and went to check on all the children only to find them all sleeping.

Smiling to himself, he mentally thanked Annie for giving him four amazing children.

Heading back to his room, Deacon decided it was time to shower then go to bed.

After a long shower, he climbed into bed to go to sleep.

Slowly falling asleep, Deacon had only one person on his mind. Savannah

Second chances ( David "Deacon" Kay)Where stories live. Discover now