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Waking up to an annoying beeping sound, Savannah found herself lying in a hospital bed.

"What happened," she asks.

"You passed out at headquarters." Deacon tells her.

"Is Daisy ok. What about Victoria and Parker. What about Madisyn? Do you know anything about who took her." Savannah says getting worked up over her daughter missing causing her blood pressure to increase, causing an alarm to go off.

Rushing into her room the doctor sees that Savannah is awake and is panicking causing her blood pressure to rise.

"Alright, Mrs. Peterson I'm going to need you to calm down. Take a deep breath and exhale."

Doing as the doctor tells her she calms down.

"Alright, if you don't mind, I would like to go over a few test results we took when you first came in. Do you mind if I speak with Mrs. Peterson alone for a moment?"

"That's fine, Hondo just got here with Matthew and Lila. I will go meet them and check on Parker and Victoria."

Walking over to Savannah he kisses her before he lets her know that he will be back. 

Once Deacon is out of the room the Doctor begins to tell Savannah that they found something interesting in her blood work.

Heading downstairs Deacon is met by Hondo Matthew and Lila. Matthew and Lila begin to ask questions.

"Is Mrs. Peterson ok." Matthew asks.

"She's fine, she just got a little upset about something and passed out is all."

Heading upstairs they see Parker, Victoria and Daisy sitting in the waiting room.

"How is she, is she ok." Daisy asks standing up.

" She just woke up a few minutes ago, she started panicking and her blood pressure went up. The doctor came in there and wanted to talk to her about some blood work." Deacon tells her.

Looking at his two oldest kids, Deacon tells them to watch their siblings for a minute so he could talk to Daisy and Hondo. 

Walking away from the children enough to where they can't hear what is being said Deacon asks Daisy if she has been shown the pictures. 

Nodding her head Hondo begins to ask some questions.

"Do you know anyone that might hold some sort of grudge against Savannah. Maybe a parent of a student she taught or something."

"I don't I'm sorry. The messages they just don't make any sense. Savvy is literally the sweetest person on this planet. I have known her since kindergarten. She would never hurt anyone even if she tried. Have you talked to her parents?"

"I called them on the way over here. We tried to let Lukes's parents know." Deacon tells her.

After a 3-hour flight, Savannah's parents rush to the hospital to find Deacon talking to Daisy and someone they have never met before.

"David, how is she? Do you know anything about Madisyn?" Savannah's mom, Catherine asks.

Deacon tells them what he's told Daisy and introduces them to Hondo before he leaves to go check on Savannah.

"Mr. And Mrs. Cook, I'm going to show you some pictures and I want you to think if there is anyone that may hold a grudge against your daughter."

After seeing the pictures Catherine lets out a sob as Randy tries to console her and says the same thing Daisy said.

Walking back into Savannah's room Deacon noticed that she seemed to be a bit shocked.

Second chances ( David "Deacon" Kay)Where stories live. Discover now