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After getting out of his car with a heavy sigh, Deacon couldn't believe he was at his son's school meeting with his teacher about his behavior.

He thought back to what his wife Annie would have done in this situation, but shook his head of his late wife as he walked into the school.

Making his way up to the front office to find someone to speak too, he finds the principle because he is lost he asks, "can you tell me where Mrs. Peterson's classroom is?"

The principle being startled looks up and says to him to exit the office, go down the hall and take a left and go to room 217.

As he was heading to room 217, he kept wondering what Matthew had done for this type of meeting. He knew his son was struggling with his mother's death, but he didn't think it was this bad.

Completely lost in his thoughts, he found himself standing in front of room 217.

Preparing himself for whatever his son had done. He knocked on the door only to find a young woman standing on the other side. Shocked at the beautiful woman standing in front of him, he freezes.

After thoroughly shaking his head of the thoughts about her, he asks, "Are you, Mrs. Peterson."

"Yes, I am, You must be Matthew's father, David, right?"

"That's me."

" Well, I'm so glad you could make it, would you like to sit down as we talk?"


Going over to one of the tables to sit down, Deacon asks, "What exactly has Matthew done?"

"Well, it's more like what he's not doing that is worrying me. He's become very anti-social and doesn't want to participate in any group activities. I've spoken to his former teachers, and they said that's not like him, so I was just wondering if everything is ok at home. Was there any change here recently?"

Sighing Deacon tells her about his wife and how about a year ago, she died from brain surgery complications. He starts telling her how hard it's been for him and his four kids.

Looking at him with sad eyes, she tells him she knows what it's like.

Looking at her shocked, he asked, "I'm so sorry, Mrs. Peterson, how did it happen if you don't mind me asking?"

"It's okay my husband Luke was killed by a drunk driver on his way to work, and I didn't even get to tell him I was pregnant. Also, please call me Savannah, Mrs. Peterson is my mother in law."

"So, what should I do about Matthew's behavior?"

"I recommend seeing the school counselor maybe once a week. I hate to cut our meeting short, but I'm supposed to be getting my daughter from the babysitter right now. But it was nice to meet you, and please, if you consider him, seeing the counselor, let me know, and I will set that up for him."

"Alright, thank you, Savannah I will let you know. Have a nice day."

Walking out to his car, his mind was on Savannah the entire time.

Unable to get her out of his mind, Deacon knew he had to talk to Hondo.

On her way to pick her daughter up from the babysitter's house, Savannah couldn't get David off of her mind. They were both widows, and single parents, and they got dealt a bad hand in life.

She felt bad for David because he had four kids on his own while she had only one.

Shaking her head of thoughts, she pulled into the babysitter's house and put a smile on her face while getting out of the car.

Second chances ( David "Deacon" Kay)Where stories live. Discover now