Sister Versus Sister

Start from the beginning

''Quick, back in bed,'' Kai replied, and the ninja quickly went back into their beds.

''Good morning, fighters. Oh, that's right, it's the middle of the night.'' Clouse said, loud enough for the Elemental Masters to hear. 

''Hey, what are you doing?'' Lloyd asked as a cultist attached the roller skates to his feet.

''Do you know what time it is?'' The Lightning Ninja questioned as another did the same.

''There's such thing as personal space.'' (Y/n) said as one shoved roller skates onto her feet.

''Roller skates?'' Kai asked, unable to stand up with the roller skates. ''Whoa, aah!'' He said, before falling and Skylor helped him to his feet. ''Thanks.''

''Let me guess, another one of Chen's impromptu battles?'' Lloyd asked the others.

''Oh, roller skates. I love roller skates!'' Jay exclaimed, jumping into the air and spinning like a ballerina and landing on his feet.

 ''We should be getting used to this by now,'' Lloyd replied.

''Did I ever mention I once placed first in the Mother-Son Skate-off? Hehe. I should have never admitted that.'' The Lightning Ninja gushed, showing his skills.

''Weirdo,'' Paleman told him, making (Y/n) glare at the partially invisible man, making him vanish.

''Master Chen wants everyone in the Royal Arena. I wouldn't be late if I were you.'' Clouse told the Elemental Masters, his hands folded behind his back.

''If most of us have already fought, why are we all in skates?'' Skylor questioned the Noodle Dude's right-hand man. 

''Only two of you will be fighting, but the rest of you will have a chance to affect the outcome,'' Clouse answered.

''Who's fighting? Tell us now.'' Griffin replied, wanting answers.

''The Master of Illusion versus the Master of Form,'' Clouse answered before leaving. 

''Master of Form? Who's that?'' Lloyd asked ''Kai''.

 ''You haven't heard? I hear she can look like anyone. She'd be right under your nose, and by the time you figure it out, she's discovered all your weaknesses, then it's game over. But you're the Orange Ninja, what weakness could you have?'' ''Kai'' asked (Y/n), who turned to glare at him.

''Not like I'd be telling you, sister, that'd give it away.'' (Y/n) replied, stretching her back.

Chamille's disguise wore off, though it wasn't much of a surprise to the Orange Ninja, who pushed her sister away.

''Whoo-hoo-hoo!'' Jay cheered as he jumped across the beds on roller skates.

''Skates.'' Kai said, trying to walk up to Lloyd with his new method of transportation. ''Why did it have to be skates?'' He then grunted as he fell.

 ''Watch your back, sister,'' Chamille warned, turning away and skating away.

''Oh, I sure will.'' (Y/n) replied as she watched her sister walk away.


 ''I do not like the look of this,'' (Y/n) told the others as they skated towards the arena.

''Don't worry, we got your back. Aah! Ugh.'' Kai said as he fell, again, groaning.

 ''Welcome to my favourite event. Thunderblade!'' Chen said, and the Elemental Masters turned to see him on roller skates, with the spotlight on him.

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