Cant even Pretend

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I woke up to my phone ringing and it was Chris. (I sighed, pressed 1 and listened until he answered)

Chris: babyyyy. Good morning

Riley: good morning

Chris: did I wake you up?

Riley: yeah but it's fine.

Chris: I'm sorry, how was your birthday?

Riley: I need to talk to you.

Chris: what happened?

Riley: I——I'm ... we can't do this anymore. And before you say something, it's not because you're in jail. I just need to get my shit together before we could go further. I can still send you money and make sure the bills paid at the house. An——

Chris: wait wait wait wait wait what?

Riley: we can't be together Chris (I started crying ) I'm leaving and packing my things today and I will go to my brother house.

Chris: but baby, you don't even gotta leave. Why you doing this? .. And while I'm in here? You really gon do this? I'm locked in every day, all I can do is sleep and think! (He slightly yelled)

Riley: I know, I know but I messed up.

Chris: what you do Riley?

Riley: I'm not getting into all of that Chris. I'm just gonna leave.

Chris: you fucked someone? — you know what , I don't even wanna know cause ain't no telling what ima do. So you leaving me ?

Riley: yes. What do you need me to do?

Chris: just pay the bills up for me with my money, and make sure shit locked up if you moving.

Riley: okay, I'll give the key to your mom.

Chris: thank you.... damn I ain't gon lie, i might cry later.

Riley: don't. It's not worth it.

Chris: it is though. I ain't never love nobody like this. Ask my mama, my dad, tootie.. shit anybody.

Riley: I'm sorry. (I was sobbing hard at this point. I do love him. I don't see how tf I let that happen.)

Chris: baby don't cry. (That made me cry even harder.)

Riley: ok I gotta go. I love you.

Chris: I love you.. so much (I hung up right after and cried in the bed for almost and hour. I finally got up and started packing my things. About 4 hours later I called Ryan to see if he'll let me move in with him. )

Ryan: hello

Riley: hey doonie

Ryan: what's up ?

Riley: can I move in with you?

Ryan: what? Why?

Riley: can I tell you later ,,, if that's a yes. I can give you the money monthly until I get my own place.

Ryan: yeah.

Riley: thank you. I'll look for a place tomorrow, it shouldn't be hard because I have a lot of money saved up. I'm just tryna leave Chris' house today.

Ryan: I ain't say all that. You can stay with me as long as you need too. I be bored when I'm not at my store so it'll be like old times.

Riley: awww thank you.

Ryan: you need help?

Riley: no I called some movers already. I packed up my stuff. They'll be here in like 45 minutes.

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