See You

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3 months later.

Riley: okayyyy, I'll be back.

Christian: for real. You know you be ignoring me sometimes.

Riley: stop it. That's a lie. (I was chilling with Christian at my house. We're legitimately only friends and we never did anything, no kissing no sleeping in the same bed, none of that. He was staying a weekend with me since I asked him too. He was pressing me about never making time for him. 🙄 I finally got my own 2 bedroom apartment. I didn't want anything too big because it's only me.

Christian: i'll walk you to your car. (He did that and I got in.) be safe shorty.

Riley: thanks and don't eat up all the sweet potato pie either. Save me some (he laughed)

Christian: I already had two pieces today, I'm good.

Riley: uh huh well I'll see you in a few.

Christian: aight.

I pulled off and turned on some music. I was on my way to drop off my orders and then to see Chris. This is my second time ever seeing him and I was nervous because it's been a while. We're still not together but he's been begging me to come and see him...

I finally get to the prison and go through security. After that, I sit down and wait for him to come out.

Riley: heyyy, (he hugged me)

Chris: what's up beautiful. (He sat down next to me and just looked at me) You thought about what I said?

Riley: yes. I mean are you sure you wanna move past everything? Because I don't need this thrown in my face, that's why I left.

Chris: im sure baby. I don't even give a damn what it is. I just need you.

Riley: ok. Chris, call me in two days and I'll have my answer.

Chris: why two days?

Riley: I just need to think. ....You're making me feel so bad. I'm sorry Chris.

Chris: no need to apologize. How have you been? You haven't been coming to see me. It's almost been a year and you've only been here twice.

Riley: I know. I just couldn't face you, to be honest. I feel too guilty. I know you want to just move past it but it's been hard for me.

Chris: damn, it's that bad? I just hope you didn't fuck no one else.... but I told you I don't want to know and we can move past whatever. so if you did, you might just wanna take that to the grave.

Riley: (sigh) if we do, I'm not moving back in.

Chris: why not?

Riley: because... I can't do all of that back and forth moving. We can just alternate days I guess.

Chris: bae Nooo come on. I can't do that. I'm trying to be with you every night.

Riley: ok well I can stay the night with you for a week at your house and then you can come to mine for a week and keep that going.

Chris: Alright. I'm so ready to get out of here. I'm glad I got money put up, I'm gonna start a business once I clean the money.

Riley: really? What kind of company? (I smiled because I've been wanting him to get out the game. I've been having bad dreams about that.)

Chris: a clothing line called black pyramid.

Riley: awwww. I like it.

Chris: I figured you would. (He smiled) you look good as hell.

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