Chapter 9 : "Protective"

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Warning~ there will be two boys fighting over (Y/n) (-w-)

《After School》

Fresh POV
Still thinking. I'm still thinking about it. About her. She must be so proud when she knows that they are the most popular students in the highschool. I can imagine her face. But really, i'm still shock about it.
I walked to the basketball field room where her club activity will be. I see that she was talking with the black skeleton jock. I walk towards them. "Oh, Fresh! Are you finish with your club activity?" (Y/n) asked me and i nodded. "Yea, and i think yours too..." i replied, looking at the other skeleton who was staring at me intensely. I get closer to (Y/n) and wrap my arm around her neck. "Wanna go get noodles?" I tried to distract her from him. "Noodles? C'mon!" She said smiling brightly, but then she look at him. "Wanna go get noodles with us, PJ?" She offered him.

No One POV
"Nah, but thank you (Y/n), i have noodles already at home. You should go with your 'boyfriend'~" Paperjam teased and smirk at Fresh, making the white skeleton blushes. Fresh chuckled slightly, pulling (Y/n) closer to him and raised one of his eyebrow at Paperjam. "Don't listen to him, (Y/n). He just jealous that i'm more closer to you than him." He said 'purposely', and went to walk away with (Y/n). Leaving the jock alone.

  At the outside of the gate school, (Y/n) and Fresh went to a to mini restaurant where they got noodles. Fresh was the one who payed their noodles. "Thank you for the noodle, Freshy." (Y/n) thanked him as she smiled while chewing on her noodle. "No problem, (Y/nn) it's my treat." He replied smiling as well, his glasses turned from 'Yolo' to 'Cute'. And (Y/n) realized it, making the girl blushing for a reason. "Why is your glasses turned from 'Yolo' to 'Cute'?" She asked the skeleton softly. "What??" The skeleton felt suprised and quickly taking off his glasses and put it in his pocket, blushing hard. "Heh, sometimes that glasses is just weird." He said, chuckling akwardly and continued eating his noodle. Because of that, (Y/n) felt suspicious now. But she just decided not to tell about it.

(Y/n) POV
   I don't know....but i feel he treated me more than a 'friend'. No, not best friend. More than that. I remembered one day when Paperjam tell a joke to me and i just laughed at his words, i saw him glaring at him like he was.........


Agh, who am i kidding...of he's not. You're just imagining too much, (Y/n). Maybe he just trying to be more with you oftenly, or maybe protecting you from the bad students.

Wait what-

  "(Y/n)? Hey, (Y/n)-" i was spacing out all the time. "Y-yeah?" I quickly responded Fresh when i realize from my space out. "What's wrong?" He asked, tilting his head in confusion. "Oh, it's nothing, Fresh. This is just my habits." I said chuckling and continued eating. He just pouted, and it was really cute. "Oh okey-" he said.


No One POV
   "Thanks for the noodle again, Freshy!" (Y/n) thanked Fresh once again as they arrived at her house, the skeleton accompanyed her saying that maybe there would be an evil stranger trying to mess with her for the reason. But she let him anyway. "Don't forget about tomorrow~" Fresh said as he chuckled. "Hm? Forget what?"
   "You're already forgot it-" he suddenly facepalmed and sighed, making (Y/n) giggling softly. " brothers...?" She said suddenly and he quickly nodded. "Oh yea-" she said chuckling idiotically.

"Oh yeah, and Fresh.."


   A soft kiss landed on the skeleton's forehead from (Y/n), making the skeleton blushing purple color so hard. Until his glasses were falling down a little bit, his eyes also widened. His body frozenning. "I read on internet that kissing people at the forehead meaning of the friendship that they have is very good and friendly~" she explained softly, blushing quietly.

   "See you tomorrow, Freshy~" (Y/n) said as she waved her hand to Fresh as she was about to go inside her house opening the door slowly while looking at Fresh who was still blushing and eyes widened there. "B...b-b-bye-" he suddenly stuttered and smiles nervously before he started to teleport back to his home, making (Y/n) giggling to herself looking at how purple Fresh was.

   She knew it.

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