Chapter 8 : "Getting Curious"

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"It's a long story..." (Y/n) said while rolling her eyes. Alphys suddenly began to examine (Y/n)'s features. From the shape of her pupil eyes, she notice that the shape is the same like the skeleton brothers's. She was amazed, she is really their little sister. But just the color of the eyes that's different. "I think you are... yours is the same like Domic." Alphys said. "It is. Only Austin and Victor that has the two colors of their eyes. Anyone can be unique, right?" (Y/n) said chuckling. "But sometimes i envy of them. But atleast i have these (f/c) eyes." She pointed her eyes, giggling. The reptile monster was also giggled.

"So they'll be back tomorrow, right?" (Y/n) asked Alphys again, making sure she doesn't missheard about the information. "Y-yes. I'll tell you when i see them." Alphys replied.


Skip at lunch break, (Y/n) decided to visit the library while eating her food on her way to the place. She popped her head inside to see a few of students reading at the big table. She went inside and began to pick a book for her to read. After that, she went to search for a chair to sit. But all of the chairs were being used. "Yahh....." (Y/n) sighed to herself. She decided to read while standing.
She suddenly heard a male cough near her and look to her left, she flinched. "Did you already read the rules?" A male skeleton with glasses and wearing dark jackets with a red scarf around his neck, staring at her intensely while pointing a sign that says 'Please don't read while standing'.

 "Did you already read the rules?" A male skeleton with glasses and wearing dark jackets with a red scarf around his neck, staring at her intensely while pointing a sign that says 'Please don't read while standing'

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(Y/n)'s heart beats fast, this skeleton looks tall. And maybe he's taller than fresh, maybe about 5 centimeters different.

Goth's POV
Wait, i think i know those eyes. I think i have ever seen those shape of eyes. That shape looks like the skeleton brothers's. Is this human girl is their sister? No way. "I'm sorry, sir. I-i didn't know that there's a sign there.." the girl just chuckled akwardly at me, she must be a new student. "Are you a new student?" I asked and she nodded. Then i realized i was so close to her face, i quickly back away a little bit and pretends to clear my throat. Maybe that's the reason why she looks scared.

Wait, did she just call me sir!? I'm too young to be called by that! "Just call me Goth. I'm just a librarian here.." i introduced myself. "I'm (Y/n).." she pulled out her hand infront of me, smiling, wanting to have a handshake with me. And i accept her hand.

It's...cute seeing her smile...

"Alright sir Goth-"
"Just GOTH- (-_-)"
"Alright alright.....Goth." and again she smiled at me. Sweetly.

"Did you not have a chair to sit?" I look around, seeing that there's no empty chairs. All of the chairs were being used. Then i look at my office chair that was empty and there's a few of books beside the computer. "You can sit on my chair-" i said as i pointed at the direction. "W-what?"

(Y/n)'s POV
This is too 'friendly' for me. I can't just sit on his chair. I don't feel like i should sit there. I don't know why. I just feel it. "Uhm.....are you sure..?" I narrowed my eyes at the librarian, asking him softly. He just smiled at me, like he don't mind about it. "You want to read or i'll punch you?"
"Alright alright-" i sigh and started walking to his chair and sits. I began to read my book. But i feel like someone was watching me. I saw Goth staring at me. "What?" I asked him curiously. And he just stays quiet for a moment before he suddenly started speaking while walking towards me, hands folding behind his back.

"May i ask you something?" The skeleton asked me. "Yes?" I raise one of my eyebrow. "Are your pupils like that?" He said, taking a closer look at my f/c eyes that same just like my oldest brother, Domic. And of course it makes me backing away a little bit. I just nodded. "What's wrong with it?" I asked him, furrowing my eyebrows.
"Just asking..." he said as he went futher finally. He fixed his black jacket and his red scarf and began to walk away. "Strange..." i mumbled to myself, watching the librarian walking away smoothly.

"(I'm sure she is their lil' sister from the look of that shape...)"

I FINALLY FOUND YOUOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant