“How long do you think that will be?” Clayton asked

            John shrugged, throwing an arm over his eyes to block out the world “Would be an hour if we traveled normally, but now I’m thinking a day.”

            Clayton groaned “A day?”

            “If we don’t stop”

            Another groan sounded from Clayton. John chuckled devilishly. I looked at Clayton, eyes curious.

            He met my eyes for a second before looking away.

            “What does Doc have that we want?” Clayton asked

            “Doc’s going to send a word up that we’re coming. If they accept it, we continue. If not, we’re screwed”

            “We’re not going to… tell Doc about her right?” Clayton’s voice was full of worry “They’ll take her away!”

            “We won’t! He’s just asking to see if they… can book us an appointment” He phrased that differently from what I would’ve assumed he’d say.

            Clayton nodded “Good”

            “Wouldn’t want your little toy to be sent away” John snorted. Clayton picked up a stone, throwing it at John. It bounced off his stomach, not affecting him. “Thanks man”

             “Just shut it” Clayton snapped.

            “Whatever. I’m speaking the truth here”

            “I said shut it”
            “Now, now. Don’t want your little Leech to think you’re a bad person. That would entirely ruin your fun”


            He smirked, “Fine, fine. I’ll knock it off”

            Clayton rolled his eyes, burying his face in his hands. Both boys let out a yawn, hinting to me that we would be going to sleep now.

            Clayton laid down on his stomach, his face next to my other knee. I sat there awkwardly, unsure of how I would lay down. Clayton looked up at me, resting his chin on his hands. I looked back at him, keeping my face blank.

            He patted the space next to him. Quietly, I stood up, walking over there. He rolled over onto his back, hands resting atop his stomach. I sat down.

            “Lay down” He smirked. I bit my lip, lying down on my back as he told me.

            “Wow. She actually listened for once” John muttered, watching us.

            Clayton rolled his eyes “She listens to people who don’t go around threatening her life every day”

            He snorted “That’s how they’re treated on this side. You’re lucky I’m putting up with you and your traitorous activities”

            Clayton rolled over so that his back faced John, while also hiding me. I turned on my side so that I faced him. He didn’t smile, just watched me.

            I felt myself grow self-conscience. What if John finally got through Clayton’s head? What if Clayton started to treat me badly? Questions buzzed through my head. Answers stayed away.

            I closed my eyes rolling so that I faced the other way. I could feel Clayton’s eyes still on my back.

            His fingers brushed against my back gently. He ran his fingertips from my shoulder down to my lower back. My eyes opened as he did so, body aware of every one of his fingers.

            Why was he touching me?
            Clayton started tracing patterns on my back. It felt nice.

                I closed my eyes again trying to sleep.

            His fingers kept me awake.

            Finally, I rolled over, looking at him. Clayton’s hand pulled away as soon as I started to move. My eyes asked him the question I didn’t dare say.

            He appeared to be embarrassed to be caught “Sorry”

            “For what?” I whispered

            “Touching you”

            “Why did you?”

            He shrugged “Not really sure. I just… wanted to”

            I gave him a small smile “It’s ok”

            “I won’t do it again” He promised me.

            I shook my head “No…you can if you want to”

            He returned my small smile. “Thanks”

            I nodded before rolling back over. I closed my eyes, expecting to feel his touch on my back once again. Yet, not once did Clayton touch me again before I fell into my slumber.

            I was a little disappointed.

War of the SexesWhere stories live. Discover now