//"was i going to lose her?"

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"Hi, how may I help you?" The lady asked me. Her glasses looked as if they were about to fall off her face.

"I'm here to see Helena Redmond. I'm her daughter!"

"Go over there so they can get your identity and a picture and one of the guards will bring you back."

"Ok thank you."

A dark skinned security guard sat behind the glass and glanced up at me.


"Mia Redmond."

After the guard snapped a picture and put a name tag on my shirt, he led me back where all the rooms were. Down the hall crawling with doctors, was a room. The very room my mother had inhabited.

I walked in to find her peacefully asleep on the bed. I took a seat in one of the icky brown chairs beside the bed and placed my hand onto her's. My eyes welled up with tears, as I looked down at her. Her face had a medium sized bruise above her right eye, a bruise that was even smaller under her lip, and I could see her skin looked fair. An IV was plunged into her vein in her arm, with a bag of saline dripping into it down the winding tube.

"Who are you?" A voice echoed, filling the silence.

It was a nurse with short blonde hair. She was a little on the chunky side, and very short, looking to be still in her teenage years. But there was no way a teenager could be a nurse working full time in a hospital at this age.

"I'm Mia, her daughter."

"Are you her only child?"


"Does she currently take anything besides these medications listed?"

"Not that I know of. I don't think so."

"Thank you. Well, She's in pretty good condition, just has to go in for surgery tonight in a couple hours. She has a couple bruises present up here as you can see, and she has a punctured left lung. We gave her Fentanyl to decrease her pain. She woke up in the ambulance screaming for help. It was that severe when they first brought her in so we are trying to decrease that, then we wish to keep her here overnight, and for a few more days after the surgery. Overall, she's going to be just fine."

"Can I bunk with her for the night."

"Well that's your choice. I'd say have your father come and stay so you can get some rest later tonight."

"I don't have a father."

"You don't have a father?"

"He died fighting for our country."

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry. Well you're more then welcome to bunk with her either way. Make yourself comfortable and I'll be back soon."

"Thank you."

Nothing like spending the night at a hospital. Luckily there was a Starbucks downstairs if I needed a little wake-up drink. Plus they have some yummy treats. I figured why not surprise my mom when she wakes and give her a giant, frosted confetti cookie. Sugar cookies were my mom's all time favorite cookie. Mine always being chocolate chip, my mom had a definite sweet tooth for sugar. She loved when they were soft and made with nothing but sugar and buttery cookie dough. Confetti cookies from Starbucks were just her absolute favorite.

I scurried down the hall to the little cafe that made my teenage dreams come true. Oh how the sweet aroma of coffee tickled my nose. Taking a spot in line, I noticed a very familiar Lip Gallagher standing two spots ahead of me. What the hell would he be doing here in the middle of the night? I tapped him on his shoulder.

✨bad intentions~lip gallagher✨Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon