//stay till the daylight

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Mia's POV

Could I really risk going to his house? I weeped for the many passing hours when he came running back practically begging for my forgiveness. Then confessing that he was with Mandy that night. Lately, I felt forgiveness was becoming overrated. How could I trust him?

After Lip left, I sent a text to my mom to check on her. She later replied saying she wanted me to come back for a bit. When I arrived, the people in security told me she had been transferred to a room upstairs. I've never been on the second floor at least not since I was little when I had surgery for an umbilical hernia when I was three years old. All I remember was running around the house chasing my cat Sparky.

It took a couple minutes to find her room due to how many twists and turns were in that hospital. There were a variety of rooms upstairs, more than downstairs which was kind of shocking since everything was downstairs like the restaurants. I stopped my tracks at a front desk and caught eye of a lady, who asked if I needed help finding anything or anyone. She looked to be about six foot! First time I'd ever seen a female at that height.

"Right this way." The tall lady told me.

My mom seemed very cheerful when I walked in. I was guessing maybe because the surgery was a success. But what she asked me made me suddenly remember and almost break down in utter guilt.

"Guess what tomorrow is?" She clapped her hands together and laughed.


My mom quit her laughing and turned silent like a church filled crowd that began praying.

"You don't know?"

I paused and tried to think of the date and then it hit me. Tomorrow was her birthday and I hadn't gotten her anything yet! I had to devise a plan and quick.

"Your birthday!" I grinned and laughed along with her.

She joined in again as the laugher filled the quiet room. This was the first time I'd actually seen her smile in so long. I didn't have a choice. I knew what I had to do. Luckily I had some money put away for something I wanted, but that something was gonna have to wait. It wasn't too important, just a drive for my PS4 that held more storage. I planned on getting my mom something valuable. Something she would look at and think to herself every time she laid eyes upon it, "my little girl got me that who isn't so little anymore." Instant heart melt. I knew just the thing.


I searched the store for picture frames. When I found the perfect one, I brought it to the checkout. The frame had a red rose in it and said "A mother holds your hand for a while, and your heart forever." It was absolutely perfect. In addition, it had two sections for two pictures to inhabit the frame. One picture would be from when I was little like three or four years old with cake all over my face and a plastic birthday hat. My mom hugging me from behind with a light blue sweater on. The second picture to be put into the frame would be one from just recently before we moved here. It was us on the beach for the last time. Me in a black bikini, her in a purple and black striped one piece. We wanted one last memory to capture before we left.

I arrived home and searched for the pictures, finally finding them after searching through a ton of boxes and photo albums. I put them in the frame and admired how it looked. Then I remembered,


It was literally just about to become nightfall when I headed out to go to his house. Eventually, I found my way there. When I stood outside of it, I observed the area. A crappy outerground pool stood on the side of a crappy brick wall but the rest of the house was painted in grey with a smooth texture and a large window. On the bottom and one on the top. Overall, it didn't look too shabby, at least it was in one piece. The rest of the neighborhood looked half dead, although most of the houses seemed owned by someone, a couple definitely looked deserted. I knocked on the wooden door with circular designs.

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