//k-pop and ramen

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Pictured above is Claire without her glasses.

Mia's POV

I must've slept in because when I awoke, I checked my phone. It read:

Saturday, 9:58 a.m.

Almost ten o' clock and I'm just getting out of bed? I swear I was one of the laziest people on the planet as I never do anything active. I rubbed my temples. I couldn't keep going without daily exercise. Tomorrow it was going to change. I devised a plan to head out at 5:30 a.m and come back at exactly 6:00 a.m on school days. On weekends, I'd go out around 8:00 a.m and stay out till 8:30 a.m. In addition, I'm planning to do Zumba, lift weights, and  squats in the evening.

Overall, if it failed, I guess I'd just be stuffing my face with Doritos and binge watching shows all over again. That's usually what I do with my average free time. Although I knew I needed to make these lifestyle changes, I really didn't want to stick with it. But in addition to that, I also wanted to look good for Lip so it'd make me feel like I had more physical attraction to offer him for his pleasure. Plus maybe this would boost my ego?

Today was the day I made plans to hang with Claire. In all my excitement to hang out with her, I was also consumed by what Lip had said to me yesterday. I couldn't get it to leave my mind. Him calling me mommy seemed like too much for me to handle. The fact that he flirted, licked my ear, and offered another date made it so complicated to focus on just hanging with Claire. How could I do both things in one day?

I could always make up a lie to Claire but I didn't want to lie about that sort of thing. I had already told her a little white lie yesterday. I didn't want to come off as a liar. I figured to just go with the flow and tell her that I had to leave at seven o' clock. After all, it'd be awkward sleeping over the first time I hung with her in person. If she asked, I'd just say I didn't want to sleep over till after the next couple of visits.

Eleven o' clock came rolling around the corner. I wasn't in the mood to dress up right now, but didn't know if I'd have time to when I arrive back here. Screw it. I put on my Jordan's with black joggers that had stripes running down them along with a grey Paramore hoodie and some diamond earrings. I applied my makeup and straightened my hair. I was going with a lazy, but also bling look today. I walked out and headed down the sidewalk to go take the train. She said she lived on Western Avenue, meaning it was a couple miles from my house. I didn't feel like walking and my mom was working so looks like train is the only option.

The ride was pretty boring on the way there. I sat with earbuds in listening to Juice WRLD and Eminem. Mainly his newer songs. When I was on the seventh song, I had arrived at my destination. I walked off, almost bumping into a cute guy. He looked me up and down and continued his walk, not paying any attention to my facial expression. Lord, just get me to this girl's house safely. If there even is a lord.

Finally arriving at her house, I rang the doorbell with no hesitation. The porch was small with a couple plants nestled in their pots in the corner as the sun caressed them. The house was a simple yellow color and looked to be two stories high. Indistinct chatter could be heard from the other side of the door. A woman with brown hair and glasses answered.

"Are you Mia?" She asked me.

"Yes, hi nice to meet you." I held out my hand to shake her's.

"I'm Louise, Claire's mother. You can head on back. Her room is that way. Second door on your left." Louise pointed down the hall.

"Thank you."

The living room had a fireplace and a tv hooked up onto the wall with a CD stand filled with all sorts. There was an air conditioner in the window to the left side and stairs facing the door I had walked into. The kitchen was right near the living room with a hallway meeting halfway in between that had a couple rooms in it. I walked down the hall. Everything in the house gave off a cozy feeling while I walked through. I found Claire's room.

✨bad intentions~lip gallagher✨Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt