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As Lip stood there puffing away at the burning cigarette, I observed his structure. The way he looked was sexy as fuck. He stood there with his tousled hair swaying back and forth in the mild breeze. I envisioned his shirt coming off, revealing his abs and that triangular tattoo he had on above his left pectoral muscle while the bright streetlight above him shown down on his silhouette. I could feel the drool almost about to slip out of my mouth as I hurried up and shut it.

"So babe, what you wanna do?" He asked tossing what was left of the cigarette aside.

"I'm your babe now, just cuz we fucked once?"

"You can be whatever you wanna be."

I scoffed at his remark. "I am not your babe just cuz we did it once."

"Fine, how about we do it more than once, then you won't have a choice but to be mine."

"Hmmm...Maybe." I giggled.

"Playing hard to get are ya?"

"No..." My eyes darted side to side, then back at Lip.

"Bullshit," He walked towards me facing me to my right.

"You really need work on your lying." He said as his bottom lip slid up the side of my ear.

I vaguely moaned in the intense pleasure it sent up my spine, but pulled away in remorse.

"What do you wanna do?" I asked him trying to be as casual as possible.

I had hoped that by me saying those exact words, it would switch the subject, but to my surprise, it didn't change anything. Instead, Lip came out with, "Let's head back to my place."

"My place."

I appreciate the offer, but I really shouldn't. We have to stick around here. I have to be back by eleven o' clock tonight.

"Oooh, beautiful and goody two shoes. In all honesty, it's kind of cute."

Cute? He seriously just called me cute just by me saying I had to be back by a certain time?

"Is it a bad thing I don't wanna be grounded for half of my life?"

"Not exactly. You know what I say to that? Fuck rules. Just do whatever you want."

"I can't just do whatever I want."

Lip started leading my down the sidewalk.

"I'm just telling you, would you rather feel like you're constantly walking on eggshells? Or would you rather live and get out and do whatever you want?"

"Honestly the second one, but I don't wanna get in trouble with my mom."

"You worry way too much."

"Worry? You don't know me well enough?"

"Clearly I do cuz you never wanna be bothered to let go for once."

In all reality I would've loved to let go. Maybe I should. What's the worst that could happen? No, I couldn't. I just couldn't.

"Lip, I'd love to do this but I'd rather not get grounded for half of my life."

"Suit yourself. Just don't come crying to me when you learn I was right."

"Where are we going anyway?"

"To the park. It's a couple minutes from here.

"Okay." I turned silent as we walked.

"What, you don't wanna go?"

"I never said that. I'm just wondering what we'll do there."

"Use your imagination." Lip said chuckling while his pale eyes gazed into my dark brown ones.

✨bad intentions~lip gallagher✨Where stories live. Discover now