Meet Smoking Bomb Hayato

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Warning: Tsuna is a bit OC, kinda playful, and sarcastic...?

Tsuna just came back from jogging and taking a shower then wearing a fresh school uniform when voices are hissing or whispering to him.






Tsuna calmly listened and put the bento inside his bag before putting the leash on the hound who was sitting on his hind legs patiently.

Despite his Hyper Intuition, the voices always warned him and it's quite useful to avoid any dangers.

"Something tells me," he murmured silently. "That it's gonna be a long day."

Aka only stared with his tail wagging.

He put on his rollerskates with shoes securely deep inside his bag, held the leash, and went out.


Nana poked her head out from the kitchen, sending him with a bright smile. "Ittarashai~!"

As Tsuna skates with Aka beside him, Reborn is sitting on his student's head and unaware of the voices warning inside the brunette. But he did see the faint glint from the hound's eyes and snarls from the shadow afar.

He ignored them and what he doesn't know is that eyes are watching protectively at Tsuna and hungry at the hitman.

Eyes glowing are watching with hunger, anticipation, and excitement.

As usual, Tsuna left his dog by the school's front entrance and waited for the lesson to start by looking out the window at the blue sky.

"I heard there's going to be a transfer student today!" One student whispers to others.


"Yeah! I overheard from teachers that he's from Italy!"

Tsuna gained an understanding gleam and secretly text his childhood friend on his phone under the desk.

Hibari who's about to go on patrol when his phone vibrates with the Nanimori school theme which the familiar dog from yesterday snorted loudly. The prefect glared and only received a shrug.

"By the way," a male student spoke up. "Did you hear from Mochida?"

"No? What happen?"

"He's been suspended for three days from dog attacks with his friends!"

"Eh? No way!"

"Yes, way! I even heard that Hibari-san beat them up for disturbing!"

"I feel sorry for them."

Tsuna has the urge to sigh or smile after hearing their conversation. Aka doesn't show mercy since he's originally from the Underworld and it is no surprise that Cerberus would be joined in cause Aka is one of their pups.

Hurting them means facing the wrath of the three-headed dog. Luckily Cerberus holds itself back without tearing them to death.

It's a warning.

The teacher walked inside the room making everyone back to their seats and quiet down.

"We have a new transfer student with us today," the teacher looked at the open door. "Please come in."

Footsteps can be heard and the boy with silver hair and green eyes steps inside.

Tsuna keeps his eyes on him with a focused and quiet look. The transfer student is wearing a silver chain around his neck, an open white shirt revealing the orange shirt, rings on both of his arms, and a scowl plastered on his face.

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