Dog Attack (2)

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The bag was dumped to the ground as Aka leaped out and growled furiously at the group of teenagers.

Mochida smirked and tightened his baseball bat. His followers are cowering behind, clutching their baseball bats as well.

"I was planning to ask dame-Tsuna on a date," he said, glaring at the dog. "But you have to ruin my moment."

The dog let out a strange growling laughs as if it was mocking him that make the followers startled and he was pissed off.

"Mochida," one of them said. "That dog is not normal."

"What do you mean," the senior scowled. "Not normal?"

"That dog is laughing!"

"Hah!" Mochida laughed as if it was a joke to him. "Dog can't laugh."

Then he smacked the dog hard causing Aka to shake his head and snarl, ignoring the blood drip.

"Does that hurt?" He taunted. "Take this!" He keeps on hitting the dog, oblivious to his friends who are attempting to stop him, and frightened expression when a huge shadow overtakes the alley.


"How's this huh?"


"This is what you get!"


"What?!" He turned around and gawked at the shadow that almost engulfed them.

The three-headed dog growled darkly. The demonic tail waggles behind calmly yet slowly and flames caressed its back.

Aka twitched, stood up to his paws, and transform into his form before growling aggressively at Mochida who backed away and huddled with his friends.

When they snarled, they dashed toward them with a roar leaving the alley full of screams and snarls.

Kumu lead them while following the scents, pointing his nose at the alley as Aka walked out with a piece of cloth ripped off and unharmed.


The dog perked before dropping the piece and run up to his master before greeting him with licks.

Tsuna yelped and laughed, trying to calm him down.

"Aka! Stop!"

Hibari calmly walked to the alley to see Mochida and his friends have been cowered against the wall with dog bite marks and scratches on them.

When he lightly tapped them, they yelped and stood up before looking around.

"For stealing a dog, attempted to abuse an animal and crowd around," Hibari said. "I'll beat you to death!"

Poor Mochida and his friends.

Reborn however saw everything after following them and witnessed everything.

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