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Reborn watched as Aka lay his body on the ground loyalty, his tail flicked and eyes are highly guarded and aware.

His student has an A+ in all of his subjects and at least he's better than Dino.

Somewhere in Italy, a blond-headed man sneezed loudly and wondered who was talking about him.

He could tell that Hibari Kyoya is the potential to be a cloud guardian as well as a tall teen with short black hair. Yamamoto Takeshi has the potential to be a hitman and at the same time, a rain guardian just like his father does as a previous hitman.

Aka is also an excellent guard dog with his abilities and is very loyal to his student.

When he watched his student afar, he could tell Tsuna had developed his Hyper Intitution from a young age which impressed him.

Aka yawned and glanced at the hitman hiding from his hiding spot. He stood up, stretched his back, and shook his body.

The dog perked his ears to hear the bell ring, wagging his tail excitedly as the prefect walked toward him with the leash.

He barked eagerly, bounced, and stand on his hind legs before standing normally.

"Calm yourself Aka," Hibari said, kneeling with one knee and putting on the leash on the collar before letting the dog drag him to their usual destination.

His eyes are mildly amused.

Reborn watched then quickly followed them behind.

Aka panted, jogging lightly, and walked past the students who quickly move out of their way or run away quickly to prevent getting punishment from the perfect.

Smelling the familiar scent of his master excited him as he hurried climbed upstairs but frown at the same time when he smell the ashes and powder from behind yet distant.

Growling lowly, he flicked his tail to make one of the lockers fall but the hitman dodged and faraway students yelped.

Reborn mentally narrowed his eyes.

He knew that Aka hates him and that dog might be useful but there was no way in hell that he was going to lose to that dog.

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