How You Met Marinette

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Uh...quick random interuption in the begining--sooo has you can tell by the title its how met Marinette! See you at the end of the chapter

Marinette's POV(WHEN I DO ENTER AGAIN!!-Taichai)

A cute girl walks into our classroom, wait did I just say? I thought I liked Adrien....I just met her...? She sits by Chloe as she walked in, saying she's cute is normal is it? 

A few months later we got closer and closer until one day, Tai comes in "Y/N!! Let's go, we...Uh I actually haven't come up with anything! Marinette wanna come? Bring Sabrina along!'' 

''Sure! I mean...we can go to the park? Or something, maybe a festival? If there is one?'' 

''That could work I guess?" Sabrina walks by coincidencly ( that you spell it? ;-; I mean I speak fluent english and all but I suck at spelling it (: lol too much languages I gotta learn lmao. Anyways back to the story), Tai smirks and pulls her closer to him ''Hey baby'' 

''Uh hey...'' Sabrina responds softly.

Taichai looks at her softly and kisses her cheeks ''Wanna come? Dont know where yet though-'' 

Sabrina only nods, we walk finally walked off to the park. As we arrived I thought to myself then I should ask Y/N out...

Y/N snaps me out of it "Hey Marin! What were you thinking about?'' what was I thinking of course, I like you I guess. 

''You...'' was all I said. Wait I just said what it was...oh my help me right now. Might as well add be my girlfriend while im at it, wait no don't actually say that! Ï like you, will you be my girlfriend? Y/N?" oh I said it....please don't

Y/N looked up at me, sightly taken back off what I said ''I-I uh....''

''It's fine if you don't! I didn't mean to say that....I mean I do like you...but what what w-w-what I-I-I mean is...uh...I wasn't meant to spill that out yet...'' I stuttered at her real bad-

Y/N stared at me weirdly ''Well I like you too! And sure I'll be your girlfriend Marinette Dupian Cheng!" She smiled softly as she said this. Yessss she's my girlfriend! 

Yeet me...Rip you. I am sorry for interuptting ya (I-sPELT THAT WRONG DIDNT I FHUEBFIIOFSF. HUSH) but would you accept Marinette as your girlfriend? Or are you gonna skip it go to Adrien? Perhaps skip to all the Nathaniel scenes? Hmmm or to Luka? Ok SORRY GETTING BACK TO DA STORY NOW--

Several hours later at the park, we all went to my place. I just remember what I was in my everywhere of me and Y/N. ''UMM HOLD UP I NEED TO CLEAN MY ROOM!!!'' I shouted quickly heading up and hides all the pictures of her. ''Tikki get rid of the one stuck on my computer'' Tikki nods at me flying to, taking it off flying back to where I was handing it over to me then I hid the remaining ones. 

Nino groaned ''Can we come up now?'' 

''Yes!'' I shouted from upstairs. They came in sitting everywhere in my room, once they all sat, Alya suggested we'd play truth or dare. 

Alya smirked looking at Luka ''Hey Luka...truth or dare" 

''Dare...'' Luka responds. 

''Oh dare aye? I dare you kiss Adrien!!!'' (Hehehe bromance (:) 

''W-w-what?'' Adrien stuttered out, looking at Luka. Luka blushed a little crawling over to Adrien and plants his lips on to Adriens softly. Adrien stood there in shock has Luka kissed him. 

Luka crawls back quickly ''Uh...Adrien truth or dare?'' 

''Truth'' he says firmly.

''Did you enjoy the kiss....?'' Luka asked, Adrien only nodded.

Alya looks over to Adrien "Nah you gonna answer honestly and give an actual reply, say it! Say you do!'' 

''I enjoyed it...'' Adrien says hesitating a little, afraid to admit that he probably likes him or maybe not? 

Finally we finished the game, everyone slowly left and Y/N stayed the night. '

The next morning was Saturday, me and Y/N stayed up in my room all day and played games. 

ALRIGHT SOOOOOO. I'm lazy to add more! This will be the last chapter for a few days, so if it's shit I will say im sowwy!! 

Oooh and do tell me in le comments if you like kpop or kdrama or cdrama (is that even a thing???) If you are tell me in those comment thing! And if you have discord! I have a server based on this--and I might just add a book area from this book in there and I can tell you guys if I have updated or not.

Oh and here is the cast! MLB too! Being OOC


Jelly: Hmmm well....uh hoildays!

Marinette: OH KNOW YOU DONT!!

Jelly: If I didn't have to go I wouldnt be going-

Marin: No one will miss you my lovely creator!

Jelly: *cries in the corner* 

Tai: Whoa...

Jelly: Yes I have people that will miss me ;-; I think they do O.o 

Tai: Pfffft


Souta: .....

Tai: Cuz i can

Jelly: Tch...anyways! Byeeee I forgot what called you guys  >.<

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